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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for BEBADOP


Type Member of File Line
macro (un)definition /include/ubf.h 112

1 declarations in 1 files.


File Line
/include/fml.h 97
/include/fml32.h 92
/include/ubf.h 112
/libubf/expr_funcs.c 390
/libubf/ferror.c 100
/libubf/recursive.c 85 182 276 531 905 972 1036
/libubf/ubf.c 89 271 651 738 810 1570 1610 1694 1933 1945
/ubftest/test_badd.c 491 493
/ubftest/test_cbchg.c 110 115 185 190 259 264 347 352 430 435 549 554 685 690 772 777 801 806 811 816 821 826 831 836 841 867 872 877 882 887 892 897 902 907
/ubftest/test_cbget.c 113 116 193 196 278 281 371 374 462 465 552 555 648 651 674 677 680 683 686 689 692 695 698 723 726 729 732 735 738 741 744 747 819 822
/ubftest/test_embubf.c 435 439
/ubftest/test_expr.c 1810 1814 1818 1822 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1860 1881
/ubftest/test_find.c 292 294 332 336 350 352 389 393 406 408 454 456 501 503 550 552 599 601 655 657 694 698 884 886 908 910 936 938 966 968 993 995 1010 1012 1026 1028 1051 1053 1057 1059 1061 1063 1065 1068 1071 1073 1075 1077 1081 1083 1085 1087 1089 1092 1095 1097 1099 1101
/ubftest/test_genbuf.c 116 119 157 160 197 200 234 237 270 273 303 306 344 347 382 385 389 393
/ubftest/test_get.c 177 179 204 206 230 232 256 258 281 283 307 309 341 343 370 372 387 391

199 references in 15 files.