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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for Bfldid


Type Member of File Line
typedef /include/ubf.h 146
function prototype or declaration /include/ubf.h 215
function definition /libubf/ubf.c 501

3 declarations in 2 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test005_convconfload/atmisv005.c 120
/atmitest/test030_cconfsrv/atmiclt30.c 69
/atmitest/test040_typedview/viewunit1.c 372 537
/atmitest/test048_cache/01_atmiclt48.c 76
/atmitest/test050_ubfdb/atmiclt50.c 158 159 160 161 182 222 223 224 225 239 241 243 245 269 270 271 272 316 318 320 370 371 372 373
/atmitest/test050_ubfdb/atmiclt50ipc.c 131 133 135 137
/atmitest/test050_ubfdb/atmisv50.c 72 87 101 115 130 145 151 157 163
/cconfsrv/cconfsv.c 543
/exbench/exbenchcl.c 74 477
/include/fdatatype.h 59 61 89 107 158 161 173 175 187 191 204 206 218 220 231 233 244 246 258 260 272 275 287 289 305 308 320
/include/fieldtable.h 62 65 66
/include/fml.h 120 153
/include/fml32.h 115 151
/include/ndrx_ddr.h 118
/include/oubf.h 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 67 68 69 71 74 75 79 79 80 82 83 84 85 88 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 115 116 117 118 119 158 159 160 160 164 165 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 187
/include/tpadmsv.h 82
/include/ubf.h 82 84 86 88 131 146 176 198 199 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 218 220 221 222 224 227 228 229 234 234 235 237 238 239 240 243 249 250 251 253 255 256 258 281 282 283 284 285 346 347 349 349 353 354 363 366 370 373 376 379 382 387 390 398 399
/include/ubf_int.h 167 171 207 225 228 234 238 240 243 245 249 250 253 254 256 260 261 270 273 277 280 281 282 293 317 323 335 341 352 356 358 360 362 364 366 368 369 372
/include/ubfdb.h 114 126 128 133 133 135 136
/include/ubfutil.h 58
/include/ubfview.h 113
/libatmi/atmi_cache_keygrp.c 97 324 632
/libatmi/atmi_cache_ubf.c 62 84 132 433 480 494 499 611 615 623 625 631 633 644 647 653 655 661 690 726
/libatmi/ddr_atmi.c 232
/libatmi/multibuf.c 135 143 145 459 460 484
/libatmi/oubf.c 216 292 368 444 520 596 672 748 824 826 875 902 1056 1208 1284 1360 1514 1744 1820 2125 2125 2127 2203 2355 2431 2507 2583 2811 3273 3351 3429 3505 3581 3659 3737 4870 4946 5022 5098 5176 7910 7912 7988 8066 8066 8367 8443 8671 8823 8975 9131 9287 9439 9591 9743 9821 9897
/libatmi/typed_buf.c 383
/libatmi/ubf2exjson.c 89 214 296 338 600
/libatmi/xautils.c 542
/libnetproto/proto.c 1564 1564 2187 2187
/libnetproto/pview.c 119
/libubf/b_readwrite.c 82 86 90 126 130 135
/libubf/bcmp.c 76 79 206
/libubf/bprint_impl.c 93 413 414
/libubf/expr_funcs.c 1200 1209 1217 1226 1251 1267 1445
/libubf/fdatatype.c 62 63 64 78 79 80 239 262 274 519 537 559
/libubf/fielddb.c 356 360 414 583 583 600 622 710
/libubf/fieldtable.c 229 466 630 685 687 698 701
/libubf/find_impl.c 72 167 242 256 308 350 413
/libubf/fld_ubf.c 85 186
/libubf/fld_view.c 90 239
/libubf/fmerge.c 73 113 158 225
/libubf/fml.c 69 90
/libubf/fproj_impl.c 80 80 80 80 113 180 232 237 239 243 376 450 508 563 568 570 574 579 687
/libubf/get_impl.c 71 149 218
/libubf/recursive.c 102 170 170 212 218 454 482 483 486 487 605 658 664 698 702 735 738 769 772 804 807 837 840 877 881 944 948 1009 1012
/libubf/ubf.c 159 184 210 322 343 350 397 484 501 541 590 617 706 783 962 962 965 977 995 1014 1111 1159 1167 1179 1205 1281 1318 1354 1437 1550 1588 1631 1666 1710 1732 1754 2088 2101 2114 2127 2139 2272 3407 3464 3557 3557 3612 3642 3644 3792 3825 3856 3887 3920 3949 3986 4021 4055 4079
/libubf/ubf_impl.c 89 116 117 118 171 210 282 356 358 358 371 374 374 385 402 407 421 480 499 536 541 542 543 565 572 626 687 694 705 712 766 774 792 799 853 942 946 985 1022 1028 1113 1118 1159 1204 1262 1269 1438 1581 1584 1624 1627 1678 1684 1737 1937 1940 1995
/libubf/view_parser.c 581
/libubf/view_print.c 475
/mkfldhdr/clang.c 122
/mkfldhdr/golang.c 133
/mkfldhdr/java.c 144
/mkfldhdr/python.c 142
/ndrxd/ddr_ndrxd.c 1445
/ubftest/test_badd.c 195
/ubftest/test_bnext.c 116 168 169 226 264
/ubftest/test_bproj.c 189 203 311 324 421 494 509
/ubftest/test_mkfldhdr.c 52
/ubftest/test_print.c 300
/ubftest/test_printv.c 263
/ubftest/ubfunit1.c 477 619 621 687 688 688 698 719 720 720 735 762 766 767
/xadmin/cmd_pubfdb.c 78 79

614 references in 63 files.