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As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for EXEOS


Type Member of File Line
macro (un)definition /include/ndrstandard.h 80

1 declarations in 1 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test005_convconfload/atmisv005.c 167
/atmitest/test007_advertise/atmiclt.c 60
/atmitest/test011_tout/atmisv.c 63
/atmitest/test013_procnorsp/atmisv.c 84 84
/atmitest/test016_contextsw/atmisv16.c 46 46
/atmitest/test021_xafull/atmiclt21-tpconvert.c 112 113 150 151
/atmitest/test021_xafull/atmisv21.c 53 54 57
/atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 221 249 250
/atmitest/test022_typedstring/atmiclt22.c 99
/atmitest/test022_typedstring/atmisv22.c 54 88
/atmitest/test023_typedcarray/atmisv23.c 54
/atmitest/test026_typedjson/atmisv26.c 52 99
/atmitest/test031_logging/atmiclt31.c 141
/atmitest/test040_typedview/atmiclt40.c 115 205
/atmitest/test040_typedview/atmisv40.c 54 55 117 118 163 164
/atmitest/test040_typedview/vaccget.c 1201 1207 1215 1222 1228 1233 1238 1243 1248 1253 1258 1264 1270 1275 1280 1285 1291 1300 1305 1311 1317 1325 1334 1342 1348 1354 1360 1366 1372 1378 1384 1390 1398 1405 1413 1420 1429 1457 1464 1470 1476 1482 1487 1490 1493 1496 1499 1504 1507 1510 1513 1516 1522 1525 1529 1532 1535 1538 1541 1544 1547 1550 1554 1563 1566 1569 1572 1576 1582 1590 1596 1600 1608 1612 1615 1620 1623 1627 1630 1634 1637 1643 1649 1655 1659 1662 1666 1671 1675 1679 1684 1688 1693 1696 1700 1706 1710 1721
/atmitest/test040_typedview/vaccset.c 242 364 570 659 756 854 977
/atmitest/test048_cache/testtool48.c 64 495
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_json.c 64 65
/atmitest/test064_bufswitch/atmiclt64.c 291 298
/atmitest/test079_cliquote/atmisv79.c 100
/atmitest/test084_ddr/atmiclt84.c 67 70
/atmitest/test086_tmqlimit/errorq.c 133
/bridge/bridgesvc.c 363 378 584 590
/bridge/brutils.c 81
/buildtools/buildclient.c 95 96 127 138
/buildtools/buildserver.c 212 213 221 343 378 379 441 452
/buildtools/buildtms.c 90 91 152
/buildtools/codegen_c.c 101 150 215 223
/buildtools/compile_c.c 71 74 75 132 138 144 151 198
/buildtools/getrm.c 122 127 128 129 174 188 189 190
/cconfsrv/cconfsv.c 348 354 373
/cpmsrv/cltconfig.c 366 574 642
/cpmsrv/cltexec.c 646 655 674 689 697 712
/cpmsrv/cpmsrv.c 86 87 108 699 700 701 727 910
/exbench/exbenchcl.c 89
/exbench/exbenchsv.c 62 63 151
/exsinglesv/exsinglesv.c 80 112 226 232
/exsinglesv/filelock.c 242
/exsinglesv/local.c 70
/exsinglesv/locksm.c 465 470
/exsinglesv/remote.c 71
/include/atmi_cache.h 382
/include/ndrstandard.h 79 80 228
/include/xa_cmn.h 159 163
/libatmi/atmi.c 897 1679
/libatmi/atmi_cache_events.c 187
/libatmi/atmi_cache_init.c 490 699 706 1574
/libatmi/atmi_cache_inval.c 74 546 604 743 854
/libatmi/atmi_cache_ops.c 576
/libatmi/atmi_cache_ubf.c 120 121 208 219 248 699
/libatmi/atmi_tls.c 322 325 343
/libatmi/atmi_tplog.c 100 101 103 140 160 174 191 232 260 261 325 326
/libatmi/atmiutils.c 1050 1169
/libatmi/brsupport.c 70 101 133 139
/libatmi/conversation.c 741 1338
/libatmi/ddr_atmi.c 278 639
/libatmi/identifiers.c 233 251
/libatmi/init.c 547 566 567 568 569 705 786 1024
/libatmi/newenv.c 101 111 134
/libatmi/qcommon.c 382 388 477 589 595 665
/libatmi/sysutil.c 157 210 211 807
/libatmi/tperror.c 165 187 228 300 326 356 381 415 514 589 608
/libatmi/tpevents.c 73 94 118 125 258
/libatmi/tpexport.c 80 81
/libatmi/tpnotify.c 243 253 263 483 552 559 574 589 664
/libatmi/txsinglegrp.c 107
/libatmi/typed_buf.c 288 615
/libatmi/typed_carray.c 230
/libatmi/typed_json.c 231
/libatmi/typed_string.c 230
/libatmi/ubf2exjson.c 834
/libatmi/view2exjson.c 146 552 561 691 891
/libatmi/xa.c 392 1775 2150
/libatmi/xautils.c 339 415 493
/libatmisrv/init.c 340 597 737 744 824 832 838 889 892 898
/libatmisrv/integra.c 130 158
/libatmisrv/ndrxdapi.c 151
/libatmisrv/srvmain.c 152 196 197 212 255 257 322 333 405 428 436 484 515 560 822 968 969
/libatmisrv/svqdispatch.c 109 158 304 406 731
/libatmisrv/tpreturn.c 101 673
/libexmemck/exmemcklib.c 183
/libndrxconf/envapi.c 183 406
/libndrxconf/procgroups.c 306 445
/libnetproto/proto.c 702 709 758 812 866 2393
/libnetproto/pview.c 170
/libnstd/crypto.c 472
/libnstd/emb.c 65
/libnstd/exbase64.c 261
/libnstd/exregex.c 147 168
/libnstd/fpalloc.c 228
/libnstd/inicfg.c 906 916
/libnstd/lcf.c 671
/libnstd/lcf_api.c 83 164 231 238 276 284
/libnstd/linearhash.c 95 96
/libnstd/nclopt.c 71 88
/libnstd/ndebug.c 811 931 1015 1087 1108 1116 1220 1231 1678
/libnstd/ndebugfd.c 145 151 181 460 570 636
/libnstd/nerror.c 104 148 174 215 237 252 274
/libnstd/nstd_tls.c 184
/libnstd/nstdutil.c 436 449 602 603 604 642 774 820 931 950 1053 1321 1495 1928 1979 2189 2529 2534 2585
/libnstd/stdcfgstr.c 99
/libnstd/strtokblk.c 238
/libnstd/sys_aix.c 105 111 115
/libnstd/sys_common.c 446 483 489 494 1438
/libnstd/sys_emqueue.c 280
/libnstd/sys_fdpoll.c 66 134
/libnstd/sys_fsync.c 70 187
/libnstd/sys_genunix.c 172 225 231 241
/libnstd/sys_linux.c 82
/libnstd/sys_poll.c 91 519 1146 1227
/libnstd/sys_posixq.c 76
/libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 106 212
/libnstd/sys_svqshm.c 236
/libnstd/tplog.c 132 341 425 435 438 462 483 537
/libnstd/ulog.c 71
/libpsstdlib/psstdexutil.cpp 441
/libpsstdlib/psstdio.cpp 38 42
/libpsstdlib/psstdstream.cpp 224
/libpsstdlib/psstdstring.cpp 272 410
/libubf/bprint_impl.c 120 121 236 475 476 574 665
/libubf/cf.c 57 935 1519
/libubf/fdatatype.c 544
/libubf/ferror.c 122 144 193 219 234 259
/libubf/fielddb.c 206 417
/libubf/fieldtable.c 481 500
/libubf/fld_view.c 102 156
/libubf/recursive.c 79 258 301 309 314 360 374 394 424 612
/libubf/ubf.c 513 2351 2357 2390 2396 2426 2458 2464 2489 2527 2637 2643 2686 2692 2730 2736 2772 2799 2847 2853 2885 2891 3039 3088 3446 3648
/libubf/ubf_tls.c 198
/libubf/utils.c 146
/libubf/view_cmp.c 145 145
/libubf/view_null.c 427 438 459
/libubf/view_parser.c 333 447 829 936 949 971 990 1004
/libubf/view_print.c 229 230 328 514 515 609
/migration/tuxedo/getrm.c 122 127 128 129 174 188 189 190
/migration/tuxedo/script.c 209 305 352 443
/mkfldhdr/golang.c 157
/mkfldhdr/java.c 76 169
/mkfldhdr/mkfldhdr.c 61 62 337 348 406
/mkfldhdr/python.c 76
/ndrxd/admerror.c 54 118 135 172 196 211 234
/ndrxd/appconfig.c 530 545 1094 1120 1146 1234 1249 1279 1535 1540 1577 1577 1584 1587 1596
/ndrxd/bridge.c 261 261 276 284 293
/ndrxd/cmd_appconfig.c 135
/ndrxd/cmd_env.c 147 161 167
/ndrxd/cmd_ppm.c 104 113
/ndrxd/cmd_processor.c 518
/ndrxd/cmd_shm_psvc.c 156
/ndrxd/ddr_ndrxd.c 905 1217
/ndrxd/pmodel.c 540 581 1011 1137 1169 1196 1207 1543 1581 1596 1597 1598 1601 1601 1645 1696 1697 1698 1700 1700 1774 1841 1842 1843 1845 1845
/ndrxd/sanity.c 305 311 318 768
/tmqueue/forward.c 868
/tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 107 108 109 110 522 575 655 661 665 669 806 807 808 853 876 882 2667 3048
/tmqueue/qspace.c 623 763 892 895
/tmqueue/tmqapi.c 630
/tmqueue/tmqueue.c 137 472
/tmsrv/log.c 689 840 848 897 1226 1227 1363
/tmsrv/tmapi.c 352
/tmsrv/tmsrv.c 147 592
/tpadmsv/client.c 228
/tpadmsv/tpadmerror.c 94 125
/tpadmsv/tpadmsv.c 141
/tpcached/tpcached.c 137 138 220 607
/tpcachesv/mgt.c 190
/tpcachesv/tpcachesv.c 136
/tpevsrv/tpevsv.c 183 189 191 279 299
/ubftest/test_badd.c 308 317
/ubftest/test_embubf.c 458
/ubftest/test_expr.c 1376 1391 1404 1437 1450 1458 1908
/ubftest/test_nstd_standard.c 57 68
/ubftest/test_nstd_util.c 194 199 204 209 214 219 224 229 234 239
/ubftest/ubfunit1.c 186 190 230 387 391 421
/viewc/clang.c 113
/viewc/viewc.c 200
/xadmin/cmd_appconfig.c 108
/xadmin/cmd_cd.c 206 207
/xadmin/cmd_ci.c 102 174 175
/xadmin/cmd_cs.c 227
/xadmin/cmd_gen.c 271
/xadmin/cmd_lcf.c 289 432 432 439 439 445 450 465 474 480
/xadmin/cmd_pc.c 264 266 312 312 335 337 381 381 404 406 451 451
/xadmin/cmd_ppm.c 58 151 222 229
/xadmin/cmd_pq.c 79
/xadmin/cmd_prtsvc.c 144 148 156
/xadmin/cmd_psg.c 74 171
/xadmin/cmd_readv.c 68
/xadmin/cmd_shm_psvc.c 82
/xadmin/cmd_startstop.c 210 211 256 261 273 273 321 322 378 383 394 394 399 399 511 512 555 618 619 660 665 676 676
/xadmin/cmd_svmaps.c 175 179 187 196
/xadmin/cmd_tmib.c 75 87 137 147
/xadmin/cmd_tranlocal.c 155 164 276 311 361 362 405 405 422 428
/xadmin/cmd_unadv.c 69
/xadmin/cmd_util.c 69 70 71 72 73
/xadmin/exec.c 139
/xadmin/ndrx.h 82 91
/xadmin/utils.c 188
/xadmin/xadmin.c 70 75 928 933 937
/xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 72 285
/xmemck/xmemck.c 167

841 references in 200 files.