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Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).




Type Member of File Line
macro (un)definition /include/exhash.h 233

1 declarations in 1 files.


File Line
/bridge/tempq.c 537
/buildtools/buildserver.c 75 101
/buildtools/getrm.c 208
/cpmsrv/cltconfig.c 123
/include/exhash.h 233
/libatmi/atmi_cache_init.c 157 171 890 1335
/libatmi/atmi_cache_inval.c 214
/libatmi/atmi_cache_ops.c 182 502
/libatmi/sysutil.c 961
/libatmi/xautils.c 266
/libatmisrv/srvmain.c 156 305
/libexmemck/exmemcklib.c 73
/libndrxconf/envapi.c 286
/libndrxconf/procgroups.c 450
/libnetproto/pview.c 92
/libnstd/inicfg.c 249 471 722 819
/libnstd/lcf.c 110
/libnstd/ndebug.c 422 472
/libnstd/ndebugfd.c 126
/libnstd/sys_common.c 184
/libnstd/sys_svqpoll.c 209
/libubf/expr_funcs.c 450 472
/libubf/fielddb.c 545
/libubf/view_print.c 78
/libubf/view_struct.c 102 117
/migration/tuxedo/getrm.c 208
/ndrxd/bridge.c 456 594 645 686 709 724
/ndrxd/ddr_ndrxd.c 743 916 1222 1394
/ndrxd/reloadonchange.c 109
/tmqueue/corhandle.c 64
/tmqueue/fwdstat.c 88
/tmqueue/qspace.c 140 551 955 1438
/tmqueue/qtran.c 161 205
/tmsrv/background.c 98
/tmsrv/log.c 165 211
/tmsrv/tmrecover.c 115
/tpadmsv/snapshoot.c 98
/xadmin/cmd_gen.c 132

63 references in 38 files.