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Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for G_server_conf


Type Member of File Line
extern or forward variable declaration /libatmisrv/srv_int.h 244
variable definition /libatmisrv/srvmain.c 79

2 declarations in 2 files.


File Line
/libatmisrv/dynadv.c 145 147 149 171 190 192 201 201 204 230 308 310 312 340 350 354 354 357 392 421 430 440 463 463 465 465 467 475 475 477 487 490 514 518
/libatmisrv/init.c 104 163 164 167 188 189 217 218 220 222 222 224 231 234 269 270 319 320 321 328 329 330 337 375 378 441 442 454 497 499 502 509 510 511 514 519 521 525 532 539 542 553 554 556 557 560 562 641 643 677 678 694 695 701 757 759 764 766 783
/libatmisrv/integra.c 131 151 177
/libatmisrv/ndrxdapi.c 134 135 136 137 138 139 143 147 149 215 274 359 436 439
/libatmisrv/pollextension.c 115 147 193 212 242 243 246 246 261 262 263 280 283 298 299 314 315
/libatmisrv/serverapi.c 103 254 255 256 268 269 462 477 478 480
/libatmisrv/srv_int.h 244
/libatmisrv/srvmain.c 79 283 295 305 384 405 406 423 423 428 431 436 437 474 484 486 530 530 533 534 535 536 571 618 622 628 640 643 646 652 677 682 694 697 710 714 728 740 745 750 753 753 756 757 760 761 764 765 770 774 775 779 780 783 786 788 790 794 797 799 801 809 811 812 815 818 826 826 829 834 836 938 1222 1225 1225 1256 1257 1308 1310
/libatmisrv/svqdispatch.c 136 136 137 140 146 148 233 254 255 256 268 272 275 278 279 298 432 435 438 440 466 468 470 485 491 494 498 501 510 511 533 537 748 751 754 756 796 798 800 813 814 922 924 926 946 948 951 1106 1108 1112 1165 1167 1251 1253 1257 1288 1290 1315 1342 1360 1370 1372 1374 1421 1423 1439 1440 1492 1492 1493 1519 1521 1522 1541 1542 1548 1553 1571 1620 1622 1648 1682 1693
/tmqueue/tmqapi.c 211
/tmsrv/background.c 195 307 390
/tmsrv/log.c 667 1452
/tmsrv/tmapi.c 362
/tmsrv/tmsrv.c 688

308 references in 14 files.