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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for I


File Line
/atmitest/test021_xafull/ 36
/atmitest/test047_oradb/tables.sql 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17
/atmitest/test060_ndxdfork/ 125
/atmitest/test067_postgres/tables.sql 3
/atmitest/test086_tmqlimit/ 312 312
/atmitest/test090_tuxmig/ 144 144 152 152 160 160
/doc/getting_started_tutorial-files/opt/app1/src/bankcl/Makefile 2 2 2 2
/doc/getting_started_tutorial-files/opt/app1/src/banksv/Makefile 2 2 2 2
/embedfile/embedfile.c 43 66
/include/cgreen/internal/cpp_assertions.h 1 2
/include/cpm.h 71 71
/include/ndrx_ddr.h 64 64
/include/ndrx_ini.h 56 57 62 63 71 72 74 75 80 81 85 86 90 91
/include/ndrxdcmn.h 431 431
/include/nstdutil.h 70 71
/include/pscript.h 126
/include/psstdio.h 17
/include/sys_svq.h 74 74 75 75
/include/ubf_int.h 108 114
/libatmi/exparson.c 59 188 208 211 211 215 215 215
/libatmi/sysutil.c 309 327 345
/libatmi/ubf2exjson.c 59 60 61 222 366 480 693 707 792
/libatmi/view2exjson.c 57 58 59 223 267 346 388 625 640 671
/libatmi/xa.c 1634 1634
/libatmisrv/svqdispatch.c 1145 1156
/libcgreen/win32_runner_platform.c 149
/libexnet/exnet.c 905 971 1184
/libexnet/server.c 129 297
/libnstd/crypto.c 68 181 262
/libnstd/exaes.c 89 356 377 389 444 456 457 459 464 465 499 517 537 548 579 586 588 597
/libnstd/ini.c 23 52 55 83 84 85 101 102 107 117 122 136 164 174 179 196 202 209 260 266
/libnstd/inicfg.c 107 118 141 152 172 195 229 280 309 399 442 495 506 517 532 541 556 586 602 640 669 678 687 697 774 784 792 811 815 823 831 851 859 965 993 1028 1060 1075 1100 1121
/libnstd/linearhash.c 60 60
/libnstd/lmdb/edb.c 56 57 58 59 59 59 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 96 356 358 358 362 363 470 1033 1035 1037 1039 1041 1101 1554 1554 1556 1863 1874 1891 2047 2094 2436 2631 2666 2742 2793 3701 4330 4331 4332 4354 4704 5283 5343 5429 5437 5481 5705 5707 5752 5757 5916 5916 5919 5926 5933 5959 5977 6136 6243 6305 6323 6415 6473 6799 6882 6888 6968 6974 7112 7128 7136 7212 7220 7258 7264 7313 7655 7910 8058 8158 8160 8162 8211 8254 8255 8259 8278 8321 8329 8375 8379 8391 8435 8835 8847 8854 8872 8881 8898 8943 8965 8976 8994 9007 9025 9075 9087 9096 9142 9167 9223 9231 9244 9278 9589 9648 9690 9735 9747 9827 9836 9847 9856 9968 10180 10181 10254 10545 10905 10915
/libnstd/nstd_sem.c 251 251 308 359
/libnstd/nstd_shmsv.c 139 139 291 373
/libnstd/sys_svq.c 180 401 454 626 673 780 829 911
/libnstd/sys_svqevent.c 1656
/libnstd/sys_svqpoll.c 523
/libnstd/sys_svqshm.c 65 129 166 695 755 882 887 891 1004 1082 1101 1130 1196
/libps/psapi.cpp 21 38 47 51 69 153 163 173 185 309 381 650 1493
/libps/psarray.h 8 70
/libps/psbaselib.cpp 107 158 520 631 650
/libps/psclass.cpp 32 84 152 158 170 181 206
/libps/psclass.h 93 153
/libps/psclosure.h 13 78 112 150
/libps/pscompiler.cpp 78 149 153 159 214 232 454 466 479 498 654 761 879 879 911 1031 1053 1063 1085 1232
/libps/psdebug.cpp 114 117
/libps/psfuncstate.cpp 336 346 483 493 511 552
/libps/psfuncstate.h 48 51
/libps/pslexer.cpp 14 16 27 123 352 354 487 550
/libps/pslexer.h 15
/libps/psobject.cpp 15 46 107 142 365 400
/libps/psobject.h 108 113 331 337 350
/libps/psstate.cpp 100
/libps/psstate.h 63
/libps/pstable.cpp 17
/libps/psuserdata.h 7
/libps/psvm.cpp 72 77 126 347 638 654 832 837 873 875 961 964 970 976 1239 1257
/libps/psvm.h 59 74 83 136
/libpsstdlib/psstdblob.cpp 19
/libpsstdlib/psstdblobimpl.h 94
/libpsstdlib/psstdio.cpp 133 247 248 249 255 264 275 284 298 298 306 306 346 346 355 355 420
/libpsstdlib/psstdstream.cpp 17
/libubf/bprint_impl.c 602
/libubf/expr_funcs.c 78 875 889 1699 1723 1919
/libubf/fproj_impl.c 352 665
/libubf/recursive.c 69 70 293 348
/libubf/ubf.c 82 87 269 649 736 808 1442 1568 1608 1692 1925 1931 1937 1943
/libubf/ubf_impl.c 152 835 873 965 1140 1715 1761
/libubf/utils.c 54 78 103
/libubf/view_parser.c 138 138 138 350 406 411 437 1206
/ndrxd/cmd_appconfig.c 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70
/ndrxd/cmd_pq.c 199
/ndrxd/sanity_sysv.c 364
/pscript/ps.c 226 336
/scripts/ 227
/tmsrv/xastates.c 80 80 120 120 147 147 148 148 201 201 202 202 203 203 225 225 226 226
/ubftest/test_nstd_lh.c 53 53
/xadmin/linenoise.c 233 233 233 233 240 240 240

564 references in 80 files.