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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for config


Type Member of File Line
local variable /buildtools/getrm.c 120
local variable /migration/tuxedo/getrm.c 120

2 declarations in 2 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test083_ddrsyntax/ 90
/buildtools/getrm.c 120 132 134 144 153 155 158 161
/include/libndrxconf.h 117
/include/ndrxd.h 391 409 410 412 477 478
/libndrxconf/procgroups.c 95 328 339 352 354 357 374 395 406
/migration/tuxedo/getrm.c 120 132 134 144 153 155 158 161
/ndrxd/appconfig.c 408 415 417 419 420 423 424 425 427 428 429 445 447 455 457 463 465 472 475 475 482 494 496 502 504 510 512 518 520 527 530 532 533 535 542 545 547 548 550 556 558 564 566 572 574 580 583 583 592 596 598 606 610 612 620 623 629 635 640 646 656 663 673 679 681 687 689 695 697 704 717 730 733 741 754 757 772 786 786 798 811 813 814 816 819 821 822 824 898 911 913 919 921 927 929 935 937 943 945 951 953 959 961 969 973 976 983 985 991 993 1003 1003 1012 1015 1023 1025 1028 1032 1035 1042 1052 1058 1060 1062 1065 1067 1069 1072 1074 1076 1090 1127 1127 1129 1130 1132 1133 1134 1376 1486 1510 1537 1555 1558 1561 1565 1568 1571 1574 1577 1578 1581 1585 1588 1591 1594 1597 1600 1603 1606 1609 1612 1681 1697 1707 1726 1738 1764 1777 1800 1819 1829 1847 1863 1868 1876 1884 1892 1901 1909 1918 1944 1992 2022
/ndrxd/ddr_ndrxd.c 714 743 767 783 916 933 948 971 990 994 996 1028 1034 1045 1055 1057 1059 1062 1064 1068 1069 1071 1072 1172 1181 1183 1192 1193 1203 1205 1214 1222 1238 1259 1290 1568 1578

254 references in 8 files.