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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for hh


Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member in_msg_hash /bridge/bridge.h 149
class, struct, or union member bs_svcnm_lst /buildtools/buildtools.h 56
class, struct, or union member ndrx_rm_def /buildtools/buildtools.h 69
class, struct, or union member cpm_process /cpmsrv/cpmsrv.h 150
class, struct, or union member ndrx_tpcache_phydb /include/atmi_cache.h 419
class, struct, or union member ndrx_tpcache_db /include/atmi_cache.h 449
class, struct, or union member ndrx_tpcache_svc /include/atmi_cache.h 536
class, struct, or union member buffer_obj /include/atmi_int.h 347
class, struct, or union member tpconv_buffer /include/atmi_int.h 700
class, struct, or union member bridgedef_svcs /include/bridge_int.h 61
class, struct, or union member bridgedef /include/bridge_int.h 85
class, struct, or union member ndrx_env_group /include/exenv.h 87
class, struct, or union member exmemck_config /include/exmemck.h 93
class, struct, or union member exmemck_process /include/exmemck.h 135
class, struct, or union member UBF_field_def /include/fdatatype.h 324
class, struct, or union member ndrx_inicfg_section_keyval /include/inicfg.h 65
class, struct, or union member ndrx_inicfg_section /include/inicfg.h 77
class, struct, or union member ndrx_inicfg_file /include/inicfg.h 96
class, struct, or union member __anon4 /include/lcfint.h 119
class, struct, or union member __anon5 /include/lcfint.h 130
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /include/libndrxconf.h 61
class, struct, or union member __anon3 /include/multibuf.h 109
class, struct, or union member __anon3 /include/ndrx_ddr.h 133
class, struct, or union member __anon4 /include/ndrx_ddr.h 146
class, struct, or union member __anon6 /include/ndrx_ddr.h 172
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /include/nstd_int.h 115
class, struct, or union member string_hash /include/nstdutil.h 231
class, struct, or union member ndrx_intmap /include/nstdutil.h 242
class, struct, or union member ndrx_svq_info /include/sys_svq.h 198
class, struct, or union member ndrx_adm_cursors /include/tpadmsv.h 98
class, struct, or union member ndrx_typedview_field /include/ubfview.h 150
class, struct, or union member ndrx_typedview /include/ubfview.h 171
class, struct, or union member ndrx_viewocc /include/ubfview.h 194
class, struct, or union member atmi_xa_tx_cd /include/xa_cmn.h 206
class, struct, or union member atmi_xa_tx_info /include/xa_cmn.h 227
class, struct, or union member atmi_xa_rm_status_btid /include/xa_cmn.h 262
class, struct, or union member atmi_xa_log /include/xa_cmn.h 333
class, struct, or union member qcache_hash /libatmi/sysutil.c 78
class, struct, or union member xbufcvt_entry /libatmisrv/srv_int.h 100
class, struct, or union member ndrx_svchash /libatmisrv/srv_int.h 110
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /libnstd/ndebug.c 125
class, struct, or union member qd_hash /libnstd/sys_emqueue.c 83
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_set /libnstd/sys_fdpoll.c 80
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_fds /libnstd/sys_poll.c 116
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_mqds /libnstd/sys_poll.c 127
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_set /libnstd/sys_poll.c 150
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_fds /libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 136
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_mqds /libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 148
class, struct, or union member ndrx_epoll_set /libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 168
class, struct, or union member ndrx_svq_mqd_hash /libnstd/sys_svqevent.c 90
class, struct, or union member ndrx_svq_fd_hash /libnstd/sys_svqevent.c 102
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /libnstd/sys_svqpoll.c 78
class, struct, or union member func_hash /libubf/expr.h 154
class, struct, or union member bs_svcnm_lst /migration/tuxedo/buildtools.h 56
class, struct, or union member ndrx_rm_def /migration/tuxedo/buildtools.h 69
class, struct, or union member roc_exe_registry /ndrxd/reloadonchange.c 76
class, struct, or union member qtran_log /tmqueue/qtran.h 100
class, struct, or union member tmq_memmsg /tmqueue/tmqd.h 162
class, struct, or union member tmq_cormsg /tmqueue/tmqd.h 212
class, struct, or union member tmq_qhash /tmqueue/tmqd.h 227
class, struct, or union member tmq_qconfig /tmqueue/tmqd.h 262
class, struct, or union member __anon2 /tmqueue/tmqd.h 306
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /tmsrv/tmrecover.c 72
class, struct, or union member __anon2 /tmsrv/tmsrv.h 113
class, struct, or union member ndrx_adm_client /tpadmsv/client.c 82
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /ubftest/test_nstd_cid.c 52
class, struct, or union member gen_hash /xadmin/cmd_gen.c 113

67 declarations in 39 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test029_inicfg/atmiclt29.c 225
/bridge/bridge.h 149
/bridge/tempq.c 306
/buildtools/buildserver.c 567 573
/buildtools/buildtools.h 56 69
/buildtools/codegen_c.c 106 119 126
/buildtools/getrm.c 238
/cconfsrv/cconfsv.c 475 558 575
/cpmsrv/cltconfig.c 146 168 989 1009
/cpmsrv/cltexec.c 358 400
/cpmsrv/cpmshm.c 77
/cpmsrv/cpmsrv.c 343 741 818 906
/cpmsrv/cpmsrv.h 150
/exsinglesv/exsinglesv.c 139
/include/atmi_cache.h 419 449 536
/include/atmi_int.h 347 700
/include/bridge_int.h 61 85
/include/exenv.h 87
/include/exhash.h 86 91 92 93 93 93 132 134 136 137 138 138 139 140 141 141 142 144 145 147 148 151 152 154 157 158 159 162 163 165 166 166 166 167 167 169 170 170 171 172 173 173 174 174 175 176 196 200 200 201 202 203 204 207 208 208 209 210 211 213 214 215 215 217 221 224 225 225 226 228 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 257 265 267 279 281 284 286 291 298 300 302 304 309 316 323 574 579 580 582 582 602 695 696 704 718 727 733 736 737 742 748 753 758 766 767 771 818 821 822 823 824 830 831 832 834 835 836 840 841 841
/include/exmemck.h 93 135
/include/fdatatype.h 324
/include/inicfg.h 65 77 96
/include/lcfint.h 119 130
/include/libndrxconf.h 61
/include/multibuf.h 109
/include/ndrx_ddr.h 133 146 172
/include/nstd_int.h 115
/include/nstdutil.h 231 242
/include/sys_svq.h 198
/include/tpadmsv.h 98
/include/ubfview.h 150 171 194
/include/xa_cmn.h 206 227 262 333
/libatmi/atmi_cache_events.c 185
/libatmi/atmi_cache_init.c 280 293 544 1051
/libatmi/atmi_tls.c 347 347
/libatmi/conversation.c 1012
/libatmi/multibuf.c 118
/libatmi/sysutil.c 78
/libatmi/typed_buf.c 128 512
/libatmi/xautils.c 976 1018
/libatmisrv/srv_int.h 100 110
/libatmisrv/srvmain.c 174
/libexmemck/exmemcklib.c 293 316 513 534 587 592 690
/libndrxconf/envapi.c 371
/libndrxconf/procgroups.c 429
/libnstd/cconfig.c 358
/libnstd/inicfg.c 139 168 191 233 395 705 736 779 828 970 1006 1042 1080 1125
/libnstd/lcf.c 858
/libnstd/ndebug.c 125 442 501 530 555
/libnstd/ndebugfd.c 324 633
/libnstd/nstdutil.c 2089
/libnstd/sys_common.c 160 198
/libnstd/sys_emqueue.c 83
/libnstd/sys_fdpoll.c 80
/libnstd/sys_poll.c 80 83 116 127 150 259 261 352 479 990 997 1078
/libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 80 83 136 148 168 316 327 675 681
/libnstd/sys_svqevent.c 90 102 383 568
/libnstd/sys_svqpoll.c 78 213 243 467 547
/libubf/expr.h 154
/libubf/fielddb.c 162
/libubf/view_plot.c 113
/libubf/view_print.c 115
/libubf/view_struct.c 141 144
/migration/tuxedo/buildtools.h 56 69
/migration/tuxedo/getrm.c 238
/ndrxd/bridge.c 80 197 417 628 737 781 851
/ndrxd/cmd_bridge.c 235 302
/ndrxd/cmd_pq.c 130 165
/ndrxd/cmd_psc.c 237 239
/ndrxd/ddr_ndrxd.c 994 1034 1038 1095 1103 1214
/ndrxd/reloadonchange.c 76 147
/ndrxd/sanity_sysv.c 195
/tmqueue/qspace.c 736 1643 1677
/tmqueue/qtran.c 125 499
/tmqueue/qtran.h 100
/tmqueue/tmqd.h 162 212 227 262 306
/tmsrv/background.c 155 387
/tmsrv/log.c 1174 1827 1922
/tmsrv/statedrv.c 142
/tmsrv/tmrecover.c 72 89
/tmsrv/tmsrv.h 113
/tpadmsv/client.c 82 358 406
/tpadmsv/snapshoot.c 76 180
/tpcached/tpcached.c 978
/ubftest/test_nstd_cid.c 52 71 92
/viewc/clang.c 92
/viewc/codegen.c 172 217
/xadmin/cmd_gen.c 113 330

338 references in 88 files.