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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for mode


Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member __anon10 /include/ndrxdcmn.h 567
class, struct, or union member __anon11 /include/ndrxdcmn.h 579
class, struct, or union member __anon12 /include/ndrxdcmn.h 594
class, struct, or union member __anon20 /include/ndrxdcmn.h 700
class, struct, or union member ndrx_svq_info /include/sys_svq.h 163
local variable /libcgreen/win32_cgreen_pipe.c 63
local variable /libnstd/sys_emqueue.c 458
local variable /libnstd/sys_epoll.c 137
local variable /libnstd/sys_fdpoll.c 174
local variable /libnstd/sys_kqueue.c 89
local variable /libnstd/sys_poll.c 236
local variable /libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 185
local variable /libnstd/sys_svqpoll.c 388
local variable /libpsstdlib/psstdexutil.cpp 151
local variable /libpsstdlib/psstdio.cpp 157
variable definition /lmdb_util/edb_dump.c 26
variable definition /lmdb_util/edb_load.c 24
class, struct, or union member tmq_qconfig /tmqueue/tmqd.h 256
class, struct, or union member __anon1 /tpadmsv/brcon.c 70

19 declarations in 16 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test082_autotran/atmisv82_2.c 117
/bridge/bridge.h 191
/bridge/clock.c 109 113 158 174 178 214 243 257 280 280
/include/atmi_cache.h 638 701
/include/atmi_int.h 884
/include/atmi_shm.h 82
/include/bridge_int.h 115
/include/exdb.h 671
/include/fdatatype.h 116
/include/ndebug.h 307 307 327 327 483
/include/ndrxdcmn.h 567 579 594 700
/include/nstd_int.h 146
/include/oubf.h 137
/include/sys_mqueue.h 116
/include/sys_svq.h 163 234 286
/include/sys_test.h 66
/include/sys_unix.h 328 337
/include/ubf.h 307
/include/ubf_int.h 249 257 274 311 326 328 344
/include/ubfview.h 228 229 246
/libatmi/atmi_cache_init.c 456 523 748 750 828 1003 1291 1364
/libatmi/atmiutils.c 276 300
/libatmi/oubf.c 6543 6593
/libatmi/shm.c 843 999
/libcgreen/win32_cgreen_pipe.c 63 70
/libnetproto/proto.c 152 163 174
/libnstd/fmemopen-funopen.c 132
/libnstd/lmdb/edb.c 1585 3300 3308 3311 3320 3331 3348 3385 3389 4647 4701 5180 5194 5329 5331 5343 5476 5563 5578 5583 5596
/libnstd/ndebug.c 887 897 1802 1808 1811
/libnstd/sys_emqueue.c 458 482 488 614
/libnstd/sys_epoll.c 137 139
/libnstd/sys_fdpoll.c 174 176
/libnstd/sys_kqueue.c 89 91
/libnstd/sys_poll.c 236 238 241
/libnstd/sys_posixq.c 85 96
/libnstd/sys_solaris.c 213 218
/libnstd/sys_svapoll.c 185 186
/libnstd/sys_svq.c 221 248 256 256
/libnstd/sys_svqpoll.c 388 390
/libnstd/sys_svqshm.c 734 891
/libnstd/sys_test.c 105 107
/libpsstdlib/psstdexutil.cpp 151 155 158
/libpsstdlib/psstdio.cpp 12 15 17 93 95 157 164 165
/libubf/cf.c 383 401 420 430 445 446 452 463
/libubf/cf.h 67
/libubf/fdatatype.c 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 843 848 860 865 884 889 900 905 916 921 947 952 987 992 1091 1094
/libubf/find_impl.c 169 193
/libubf/fld_ptr.c 68 73
/libubf/fld_ubf.c 236 239
/libubf/fld_view.c 288 295
/libubf/fproj_impl.c 233 282 307 312 316 323
/libubf/ubf.c 2521 2545
/libubf/ubf_impl.c 942 959 965 971
/libubf/view_access.c 132 175 182
/libubf/view_ubf.c 233 340 394 429 454 467
/lmdb_util/edb_dump.c 26 112 139 212
/lmdb_util/edb_load.c 24 82 181 235 340 353 393
/ndrxd/bridge.c 186 195 195 201 201 206 268 268
/ndrxd/cmd_bridge.c 108 121 165 168 179 182 189 226
/tmqueue/qspace.c 518 522 619 844 1218 1234
/tmqueue/tmqd.h 256
/tmsrv/log.c 685 703 717
/tmsrv/tmsrv.h 138
/tpadmsv/brcon.c 70 95 137 137
/ubftest/ubfunit1.c 59 63 69 71
/ubftest/ubfunit1.h 94 95

244 references in 66 files.