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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for strlen


Type Member of File Line
function prototype or declaration /ubftest/test_cbget.c 638
function prototype or declaration /ubftest/test_nstd_crypto.c 64
function prototype or declaration /ubftest/test_nstd_crypto.c 75
function prototype or declaration /ubftest/test_nstd_util.c 458
function prototype or declaration /ubftest/ubfunit1.c 83

5 declarations in 4 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test001_basiccall/atmisv1.c 209 210
/atmitest/test015_threads/atmisv15.c 181 182
/atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 452
/atmitest/test022_typedstring/atmiclt22.c 83 86
/atmitest/test023_typedcarray/atmiclt23.c 89 104
/atmitest/test027_pscript/atmiclt27.c 86
/atmitest/test040_typedview/viewunit1.c 256 262 264
/atmitest/test043_encrypt/atmiclt43_tp.c 81 96 99 104 139 142
/atmitest/test047_oradb/atmisv47_oci.c 88
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_carray.c 95 135 175 178 182
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_embbuf.c 181
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_embbuf_syntax.c 247
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_json.c 105 127 150 160 183 196 199 203
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_string.c 93 116 139 150 173 186 189 193
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_ubf.c 107 133 157 168 183 196 199 203
/atmitest/test056_tpimpexp/atmiclt56_view.c 109 181 192 251 254 258
/atmitest/test064_bufswitch/atmiclt64.c 106
/atmitest/test064_bufswitch/atmisv64.c 131
/bridge/brutils.c 71
/cconfsrv/cconfsv.c 443
/cpmsrv/cpmsrv.c 921 925 929
/include/exhash.h 234 236
/include/exstring.h 123
/include/ndrstandard.h 165 184 204 221 251 272
/include/psconfig.h 113
/libatmi/atmi_cache_edb.c 272 331 460 534
/libatmi/atmi_cache_keygrp.c 540
/libatmi/atmi_cache_mgt.c 138
/libatmi/atmi_cache_ubf.c 789
/libatmi/brsupport.c 72 107
/libatmi/conversation.c 1523 1525
/libatmi/ddr_atmi.c 559 559
/libatmi/exparson.c 157 308 309 411 987 1058 1120 1356
/libatmi/identifiers.c 236 254 326 376 533 625 730
/libatmi/init.c 319 689
/libatmi/newenv.c 98
/libatmi/qcommon.c 335
/libatmi/sysutil.c 689 773 1058
/libatmi/tperror.c 294 436 441 593 594
/libatmi/tpevents.c 80 118
/libatmi/tpexport.c 144 262 271 280 286
/libatmi/tpimport.c 111 118 122 232 285 313
/libatmi/tpnotify.c 743
/libatmi/typed_json.c 71 111
/libatmi/typed_string.c 71 111
/libatmi/ubf2exjson.c 229 259 964 973 976 1113 1116
/libatmi/view2exjson.c 230 248 350 368 803 812 815 928 931
/libatmi/xa.c 431
/libatmi/xautils.c 210 414 420 471 481 1047
/libatmisrv/init.c 603
/libatmisrv/srvmain.c 236
/libcgreen/message_formatting.c 44 63 64 65 80 80 89 89 97 97 149 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 181 183 199 199 212 212 217 217 231 231 237 237 243 243
/libcgreen/mocks.c 66
/libcgreen/parameters.c 23 32 41 44 57 75 80 89
/libcgreen/utils.c 11
/libndrxconf/procgroups.c 123
/libnetproto/proto.c 519 650 661 756
/libnstd/cconfig.c 127 130 140
/libnstd/crypto.c 110 157 336 400 478
/libnstd/exregex.c 129
/libnstd/fpalloc.c 220 573 574 575
/libnstd/ini.c 33 202 203
/libnstd/inicfg.c 234 295 295 365 377 397 611 705 1019 1019
/libnstd/lcf_api.c 248 255 262 269
/libnstd/lmdb/edb.c 4591 10744
/libnstd/nclopt.c 201
/libnstd/ndebug.c 443 837 847 961 1038 1106 1108 1407 1408 1429 1430 1433 1434 1459 1460 1464 1465 1537 1542 1544 1559 1564 1621 1630 1683
/libnstd/nerror.c 234 294 298
/libnstd/nstdutil.c 346 349 363 422 452 508 521 535 544 628 651 664 678 688 748 794 841 926 963 989 1191 1367 1491 1886 1915 2121 2339 2374 2402 2403 2566
/libnstd/rbtree.c 96 101
/libnstd/stdcfgstr.c 108
/libnstd/strtokblk.c 118
/libnstd/sys_aix.c 101
/libnstd/sys_common.c 160 250 314 678 1433
/libnstd/sys_genunix.c 221
/libnstd/sys_solaris.c 108
/libnstd/sys_test.c 75
/libpsstdlib/psstdexutil.cpp 336 378
/libpsstdlib/psstdio.cpp 34
/libpsstdlib/psstdstream.cpp 194 195
/libpsstdlib/psstdstring.cpp 266 299 373
/libubf/bprint_impl.c 153 472 559
/libubf/cf.c 81 98 115 132 408 1358 1522
/libubf/expr_funcs.c 196 529 575 1959 2265
/libubf/fdatatype.c 268 329 1018 1037
/libubf/ferror.c 213 279 283
/libubf/fielddb.c 391 454 737
/libubf/recursive.c 234
/libubf/utils.c 184
/libubf/view_parser.c 178 373 500 518 539 558 633 652 766 810 818 1087 1122 1279
/libubf/view_print.c 227 313 575
/libubf/view_ubf.c 371
/lmdb_util/edb_load.c 207 227
/migration/tuxedo/ubb.c 81 107 132 157 342
/ndrxd/admerror.c 190 252 253
/ndrxd/appconfig.c 527 542 1231 1246
/ndrxd/bridge.c 554 556 558
/ndrxd/ddr_ndrxd.c 266 419 423 445 446 518 525 531 532 645 718 818 1359
/ndrxd/restart.c 89
/ndrxd/sanity.c 138 144 150 157 163
/pscript/ps.c 144 162 184
/tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 1645
/tmqueue/qspace.c 95 98 477 625 631
/tmsrv/background.c 196 308
/tmsrv/log.c 789 797 836 901 1246
/tmsrv/tmapi.c 1196
/tmsrv/tmrecover.c 291
/tpcached/tpcached.c 518
/tpcachesv/tpcachesv.c 124
/ubftest/test_badd.c 193 193 193 193
/ubftest/test_bcmp.c 74 111
/ubftest/test_bconcat.c 61 83 127 151 171 193 258 282 305
/ubftest/test_bdel.c 52
/ubftest/test_bjoin.c 54 77
/ubftest/test_bnext.c 53 74
/ubftest/test_bnum.c 52 74
/ubftest/test_bproj.c 86 110 125 146
/ubftest/test_bupdate.c 51 74 137 162 189 209 234 298 322 347
/ubftest/test_cbchg.c 97 172 246 333 417 533 648 666 759
/ubftest/test_cbget.c 541 542 584 631 636 637 638 638
/ubftest/test_expr.c 70 104 1419
/ubftest/test_find.c 53 75 124 195 235 733
/ubftest/test_genbuf.c 297 338 339
/ubftest/test_get.c 55 76 126 430
/ubftest/test_nstd_b64.c 81
/ubftest/test_nstd_crypto.c 64 75
/ubftest/test_nstd_util.c 458 458
/ubftest/test_print.c 173 194 304 508
/ubftest/test_printv.c 267 290
/ubftest/ubfunit1.c 83 83 649 668
/viewc/viewc.c 203
/xadmin/cmd_env.c 119 119
/xadmin/cmd_gen.c 251 274
/xadmin/cmd_lcf.c 201
/xadmin/cmd_mqlq.c 240
/xadmin/cmd_ppm.c 54
/xadmin/cmd_pq.c 87
/xadmin/cmd_pqa.c 118
/xadmin/cmd_tranlocal.c 99
/xadmin/linenoise.c 308 368 432 484 492 508 527 529 535 538 549 567 574 580 583 598 611 621 721 783 1057
/xadmin/ndrx.h 78 88
/xadmin/taboutput.c 136
/xadmin/utils.c 160 238
/xadmin/xadmin.c 653 926
/xadrv/postgres/pgxid.c 76 93 134 166 179

548 references in 145 files.