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Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for xa_close_entry


Type Member of File Line
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 100
function definition /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 294
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 83
function definition /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 273
class, struct, or union member xa_switch_t /include/xa.h 76
function prototype or declaration /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 154
function definition /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 915
function prototype or declaration /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 98
function definition /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 336

9 declarations in 5 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 100 116 133 150 168 185 202 294 561 700
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 71 81 87 97 181 191 197 207 256 266 272 282 337 347 353 363 394 404 410 420 454 464 470 480
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 71 82 88 98 132 143 149 159 190 201 207 217 244 255 261 271 305 315 321 332 366 376 382 392 425 435 441 451 485 495 501 511 555 565 571 581 618 628 634 644 673 683 689 699 739 749 755 765
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 69 79 85 95 140 150 156 166 213 223 229 239 282 292 298 308 345 355 361 371 407 417 423 433 476 486 493 503 556 566 573 583 625 635 641 651 693 703 709 719 761 771 777 787 829 839 845 855 898 908 914 924 970 980 986 996 1039 1049 1055 1065 1109 1119 1125 1135 1178 1188 1194 1204 1242 1252 1258 1268 1306 1316 1322 1332 1375 1385 1391 1401 1449 1459 1465 1475 1518 1528 1534 1544 1587 1597 1603 1613 1656 1666 1672 1682 1725 1735 1741 1751 1793 1803 1809 1819 1857 1867 1873 1883 1926 1936 1942 1952 1990 2000 2006 2016 2059 2069 2075 2085 2128 2138 2144 2154 2197 2207 2213 2223 2266 2276 2282 2292 2334 2344 2350 2360 2402 2412 2418 2428 2471 2481 2487 2497 2565 2575 2581 2591 2658 2668 2674 2684 2752 2762 2768 2778 2819 2829 2835 2845
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 83 103 103 273
/include/xa.h 76
/libatmi/tmnull_switch.c 84
/libatmi/xa.c 665
/tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 154 184 201 915 3170 3212
/xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 98 116 336 804

259 references in 10 files.