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Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for xa_complete_entry


Type Member of File Line
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 108
function definition /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 541
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 91
function definition /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 321
class, struct, or union member xa_switch_t /include/xa.h 86
function prototype or declaration /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 162
function definition /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 3150
function prototype or declaration /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 106
function definition /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 733

9 declarations in 5 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 108 124 141 158 176 193 210 541 690 732
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 79 95 189 205 264 280 345 361 402 418 462 478
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 80 96 141 157 199 215 253 269 313 330 374 390 433 449 493 509 563 579 626 642 681 697 747 763
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 77 93 148 164 221 237 290 306 353 369 415 431 484 501 564 581 633 649 701 717 769 785 837 853 906 922 978 994 1047 1063 1117 1133 1186 1202 1250 1266 1314 1330 1383 1399 1457 1473 1526 1542 1595 1611 1664 1680 1733 1749 1801 1817 1865 1881 1934 1950 1998 2014 2067 2083 2136 2152 2205 2221 2274 2290 2342 2358 2410 2426 2479 2495 2573 2589 2666 2682 2760 2776 2827 2843
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 91 111 111 321
/include/xa.h 86
/libatmi/tmnull_switch.c 92
/tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 162 192 209 3150 3202 3244
/xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 106 124 733 839

142 references in 9 files.