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Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Results for xa_forget_entry


Type Member of File Line
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 107
function definition /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 520
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 90
function definition /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 316
class, struct, or union member xa_switch_t /include/xa.h 85
function prototype or declaration /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 161
function definition /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 3128
function prototype or declaration /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 105
function definition /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 718

9 declarations in 5 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 107 123 140 157 175 192 209 520 686 728
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 78 94 188 204 263 279 344 360 401 417 461 477
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 79 95 140 156 198 214 252 268 312 329 373 389 432 448 492 508 562 578 625 641 680 696 746 762
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 76 92 147 163 220 236 289 305 352 368 414 430 483 500 563 580 632 648 700 716 768 784 836 852 905 921 977 993 1046 1062 1116 1132 1185 1201 1249 1265 1313 1329 1382 1398 1456 1472 1525 1541 1594 1610 1663 1679 1732 1748 1800 1816 1864 1880 1933 1949 1997 2013 2066 2082 2135 2151 2204 2220 2273 2289 2341 2357 2409 2425 2478 2494 2572 2588 2665 2681 2759 2775 2826 2842
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 90 110 110 316
/include/xa.h 85
/libatmi/tmnull_switch.c 91
/libatmi/xa.c 1006 1013
/tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 161 191 208 3128 3198 3240
/xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 105 123 718 835

144 references in 10 files.