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Results for xa_rollback_entry


Type Member of File Line
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 103
function definition /atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 392
function prototype or declaration /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 86
function definition /atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 296
class, struct, or union member xa_switch_t /include/xa.h 79
function prototype or declaration /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 157
function definition /tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 1425
function prototype or declaration /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 101
function definition /xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 524

9 declarations in 5 files.


File Line
/atmitest/test021_xafull/xabackend.c 103 119 136 153 171 188 205 392 600 712
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 74 90 184 200 259 275 340 356 397 413 457 473
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 75 91 136 152 194 210 248 264 308 325 369 385 428 444 488 504 558 574 621 637 676 692 742 758
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/ 72 88 143 159 216 232 285 301 348 364 410 426 479 496 559 576 628 644 696 712 764 780 832 848 901 917 973 989 1042 1058 1112 1128 1181 1197 1245 1261 1309 1325 1378 1394 1452 1468 1521 1537 1590 1606 1659 1675 1728 1744 1796 1812 1860 1876 1929 1945 1993 2009 2062 2078 2131 2147 2200 2216 2269 2285 2337 2353 2405 2421 2474 2490 2568 2584 2661 2677 2755 2771 2822 2838
/atmitest/test087_tmsrv/xabackend.c 86 106 106 296
/include/xa.h 79
/libatmi/tmnull_switch.c 87
/libatmi/xa.c 928 935
/tmqueue/qdisk_xa.c 157 187 204 1425 3182 3224
/xadrv/postgres/pgswitch.c 101 119 524 817

144 references in 10 files.