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0001 #!/bin/bash
0002 ##
0003 ## @brief @(#) Test010, Test semaphore for startup, so that if process is killed other processes can continue to work!
0004 ##   TODO: Only for epoll() version. For unix load balancer we will need different one..
0005 ##
0006 ## @file
0007 ##
0008 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0009 ## Enduro/X Middleware Platform for Distributed Transaction Processing
0010 ## Copyright (C) 2009-2016, ATR Baltic, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
0011 ## Copyright (C) 2017-2023, Mavimax, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
0012 ## This software is released under one of the following licenses:
0013 ## AGPL (with Java and Go exceptions) or Mavimax's license for commercial use.
0014 ## See LICENSE file for full text.
0015 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0016 ## AGPL license:
0017 ##
0018 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0019 ## the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 as published
0020 ## by the Free Software Foundation;
0021 ##
0022 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
0023 ## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
0024 ## PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
0025 ## for more details.
0026 ##
0027 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along 
0028 ## with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
0029 ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
0030 ##
0031 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0032 ## A commercial use license is available from Mavimax, Ltd
0033 ##
0034 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0035 ##
0037 # So plan is following:
0038 # 1. we start auto deadly process with xadmin start -y
0039 # 2. we kill deadly process  & wait for background ndrxd will respawn it.
0040 # 3. we start manually good process inbackground - now it cannot compelete the init, because bad process have semaphore
0041 # 4. we test that OK service is not advertised
0042 # 5. we kill the bad service, system releases sempahore, good process gets advertised & we test that
0043 # .... this is the test ....
0044 #
0047 export TESTNO="010"
0048 export TESTNAME_SHORT="strtracecond"
0049 export TESTNAME="test${TESTNO}_${TESTNAME_SHORT}"
0051 PWD=`pwd`
0052 if [ `echo $PWD | grep $TESTNAME ` ]; then
0053     # Do nothing 
0054     echo > /dev/null
0055 else
0056     # started from parent folder
0057     pushd .
0058     echo "Doing cd"
0059     cd $TESTNAME
0060 fi;
0062 . ../
0064 export TESTDIR="$NDRX_APPHOME/atmitest/$TESTNAME"
0065 export PATH=$PATH:$TESTDIR
0066 # Configure the runtime - override stuff here!
0067 export NDRX_CONFIG=$TESTDIR/ndrxconfig.xml
0068 export NDRX_DMNLOG=$TESTDIR/ndrxd.log
0069 export NDRX_LOG=$TESTDIR/ndrx.log
0070 export NDRX_DEBUG_CONF=$TESTDIR/debug.conf
0071 # Override timeout!
0072 export NDRX_TOUT=4
0074 #
0075 # Generic exit function
0076 #
0077 function go_out {
0078     echo "Test exiting with: $1"
0079 # Might cause respawn for that one process...
0080     xadmin stop -y
0081     xadmin down -y
0083     popd 2>/dev/null
0084     exit $1
0085 }
0087 rm *.log
0089 xadmin down -y
0090 xadmin start -y &
0092 # Enter the both servers in respawn state
0093 sleep 3
0095 xadmin killall atmisv_$TESTNO
0096 # Wait for respawn, now it should be respawned...
0097 sleep 5
0099 # try to start stuff in background
0100 xadmin start -i 2411 & 
0101 sleep 1
0104 echo "*** PQA ***"
0105 xadmin pqa
0107 # Now we should not have queue with "SVCOK", as server is locked on bad server
0108 if [[ "X`xadmin pqa | grep SVCOK`" != "X" ]]; then
0109     echo "SVCOK must not be advertised!!!"
0110     go_out 1
0111 fi
0113 echo "User: $USER"
0114 echo "Login: $LOGNAME"
0115 echo "RNDK: $NDRX_RNDK"
0117 #
0118 # Solaris 12, do not have $USER, but have $LOGNAME
0119 #
0120 if [[ "X$USER" == "X" ]]; then
0121         USER=$LOGNAME
0122 fi
0124 BAD_PID=`$PSCMD | grep $USER | grep $NDRX_RNDK | grep "\-i 1341" | awk '{print $2}'`
0126 echo "BAD_PID=$BAD_PID"
0127 kill -9 $BAD_PID
0128 sleep 1
0129 # Put it in shutdown state!
0130 xadmin stop -i 1341
0132 # Now we should not have removed queue with "SVCOK", as server is locked on bad server
0133 if [ "X`xadmin psc | grep SVCOK`" == "X" ]; then
0134     echo "SVCOK must be advertised!!!"
0135     go_out 2
0136 fi
0138 sleep 5 
0140 xadmin pqa
0141 xadmin psvc
0142 # Now SVC OK must be advertized
0143 if [[ "X`xadmin psvc | grep SVCOK`" == "X" ]]; then
0144     echo "SVC Must be advertised!"
0145     go_out 1
0146 fi
0148 # Catch is there is test error!!!
0149 if [ "X`grep TESTERROR *.log`" != "X" ]; then
0150     echo "Test error detected!"
0151     go_out 4
0152 fi
0154 go_out 0
0156 # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et smartindent: