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0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <endurox>
0003     <appconfig>
0004         <!-- ALL BELLOW ONES USES <sanity> periodical timer  -->
0005         <!-- Sanity check time, sec -->
0006         <sanity>5</sanity>
0007         <checkpm>1</checkpm>
0008         <!--  <sanity> timer, end -->
0010         <!-- ALL BELLOW ONES USES <respawn> periodical timer  -->
0011         <!-- Do process reset after 1 sec -->
0012         <restart_min>1</restart_min>
0013         <!-- If restart fails, then boot after +5 sec of previous wait time -->
0014         <restart_step>10</restart_step>
0015         <!-- If still not started, then max boot time is a 30 sec. -->
0016         <restart_max>30</restart_max>
0017         <!--  <sanity> timer, end -->
0019         <!-- Time after attach when program will start do sanity & respawn checks,
0020         starts counting after configuration load -->
0021         <restart_to_check>20</restart_to_check>
0022         <!-- Send full service table every 5 seconds -->
0023         <brrefresh>5</brrefresh>
0024     </appconfig>
0025     <defaults>
0026         <min>1</min>
0027         <max>1</max>
0028         <autokill>1</autokill>
0029         <!-- Do not need respawning! -->
0030         <respawn>1</respawn>
0031         <!-- The maximum time while process can hang in 'starting' state i.e.
0032         have not completed initialization, sec -->
0033         <start_max>20</start_max>
0034         <!--
0035         Ping server in every X seconds (minimum step is <sanity>).
0036         -->
0037         <pingtime>9</pingtime>
0038         <!--
0039         Max time in seconds in which server must respond.
0040         The granularity is sanity time.
0041         -->
0042         <ping_max>40</ping_max>
0043         <!--
0044         Max time to wait until process should exit on shutdown
0045         -->
0046         <end_max>30</end_max>
0047         <!-- Interval, in seconds, by which signal sequence -2, -15, -9, -9.... will be sent
0048         to process until it have been terminated. -->
0049         <killtime>20</killtime>
0050     </defaults>
0051     <servers>
0052         <server name="atmisv39">
0053             <min>2</min>
0054             <max>2</max>
0055             <srvid>10</srvid>
0056             <sysopt>-e ${TESTDIR}/atmisv-dom2.log -r</sysopt>
0057         </server>
0058         <server name="tpbrdcstsv">
0059             <min>1</min>
0060             <max>1</max>
0061             <srvid>20</srvid>
0062             <sysopt>-e ${TESTDIR}/tpbrdcstsv-dom2.log -r</sysopt>
0063         </server>
0064         <server name="tpbridge">
0065             <min>1</min>
0066             <max>1</max>
0067             <srvid>101</srvid>
0068             <!-- <fullpath>/usr/local/bin/xtpbridge</fullpath> -->
0069             <sysopt>-e ${TESTDIR}/tpbridge-dom2.log -r</sysopt>
0070             <appopt>-f -n1 -r -i -p 20003 -tP -z30 -P0 -R999 -c1</appopt>
0071         </server>
0072     </servers>
0073 </endurox>