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0001 # Simple cache
0002 [@cachedb/db01]
0003 cachedb=db01
0004 resource=${TESTDIR_DB}/db1
0005 #
0006 # Here might be question about ndrxd sub-sections..., we might not want to
0007 # boot it up to all cctags... (if caches are seperated by cctags)
0008 #
0009 flags=bootreset,nosync,nometasync
0011 #
0012 # Simple cache test
0013 #
0014 [@cache]
0015 svc TESTSV01=
0016     {
0017         "caches":[
0018                 {
0019                     "cachedb":"db01",
0020                     "type":"UBF",
0021                     "keyfmt":"SV1$(T_STRING_3_FLD)-$(T_STRING_2_FLD[1])",
0022                     "save":"*",
0023                     "rule":"T_LONG_FLD==4 && T_SHORT_FLD==3",
0024                     "rsprule":"EX_TPERRNO==0 && EX_TPURCODE==0",
0025                     "refreshrule":"T_LONG_FLD==100"
0026                 }
0027             ]
0028     }