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0001 #!/bin/bash
0002 export NDRX_NODEID=1
0003 # If 1 - then yes, if 0 - then not clusterised.
0004 export NDRX_CLUSTERISED=0
0005 # Load balance, 0 = process all locally, 100 = process all on remote servers
0006 export NDRX_LDBAL=0
0007 # tpcall() timeout:
0008 export NDRX_TOUT=60
0009 # where to write ulog
0010 export NDRX_ULOG=/opt/app1/log
0011 export NDRX_QPREFIX=/app1
0012 export NDRX_SVCMAX=20000
0013 export NDRX_SRVMAX=10000
0014 export NDRX_QPATH=/dev/mqueue
0015 export NDRX_SHMPATH=/dev/shm
0016 # Milli seconds to wait for command
0017 export NDRX_CMDWAIT=1
0018 export NDRX_DPID=/opt/app1/tmp/
0019 # Random key to indentify the processes beloning to this session (i.e. used in ps ef)
0020 export NDRX_RNDK="0myWI5nu"
0021 # System V Semaphores...
0022 export NDRX_IPCKEY=44000
0023 # Posix queue config (attribs..)
0024 # Max number of messages that can be put in one queue
0025 export NDRX_MSGMAX=1000
0026 # Daemon Q size...
0027 export NDRX_DQMAX=100
0028 # Max message size (in bytes), max 64K
0029 export NDRX_MSGSIZEMAX=10000
0030 # Where app domain lives
0031 export NDRX_APPHOME=/opt/app1
0032 # Where NDRX runtime lives
0033 export NDRX_HOME=/usr
0034 # Debug config too
0035 export NDRX_DEBUG_CONF=/opt/app1/conf/debug.conf
0036 # NDRX config too.
0037 export NDRX_CONFIG=/opt/app1/conf/ndrxconfig.xml
0038 export PATH=$PATH:/opt/app1/bin
0039 export export FLDTBLDIR=/opt/app1/ubftab
0040 # Max fields for hashing UBF
0041 export NDRX_UBFMAXFLDS=16000
0043 # Log & levels (basic for scripting..)
0044 export NDRX_DMNLOG=/opt/app1/log/ndrxd.log
0045 export NDRX_DMNLEV=5
0047 export NDRX_LOG=/opt/app1/log/ndrx.log
0048 export NDRX_LEV=5
0050 # Correct the path so that ndrx can find ndrxd
0051 export PATH=$PATH:$NDRX_HOME/bin
0053 # UBFTAB Exfields - Enduro/X specifc, bank.fd - our apps' UBF fields 
0054 export FIELDTBLS=Exfields,bank.fd