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0002 =================
0003 :doctype: manpage
0006 NAME
0007 ----
0008 ndrxconfig.xml - Enduro/X ATMI Application Domain configuration
0012 --------
0013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0015 <endurox>
0016     <appconfig>
0017         <sanity>SANITY_SECONDS</sanity>
0018         <checkpm>CHECKPM_STY</checkpm>
0019         <brrefresh>BRIDGE_REFRESH_TIME</brrefresh>
0020         <restart_min>MIN_RESTART_TIME</restart_min>
0021         <restart_step>RESTART_STEP</restart_step>
0022         <restart_max>MAX_RESTART_TIME</restart_max>
0023         <restart_to_check>NDRXD_RESTART_TO_CHECK</restart_to_check>
0024         <gather_pq_stats>NDRXD_GATHER_PQ_STATS</gather_pq_stats>
0025         <rqaddrttl>RQADDRTTL</rqaddrttl>
0026         <ddrreload>DDRRELOAD</ddrreload>
0027     </appconfig>
0028     <procgroups>
0029         <defaults name="PROCGROUP_NAME_DEF" grpno="PROCGROUP_GRPNO_DEF" 
0030             noorder="PROCGROUP_NOORDER_DEF" singleton="PROCGROUP_SINGLETON_DEF"  
0032         ...
0033         <procgroup name="PROCGROUP_NAME" grpno="PROCGROUP_GRPNO" 
0034             noorder="PROCGROUP_NOORDER" singleton="PROCGROUP_SINGLETON" 
0035             sg_nodes="PROCGROUP_SINGLETON_NODES" sg_nodes_verify="PROCGROUP_SINGLETON_NODES_VERIFY"/>
0036         ...
0037     </procgroups>
0038     <defaults>
0039         <min>MIN_SERVERS_DEFAULT</min>
0040         <max>MAX_SERVERS_DEFAULT</max>
0041         <mindispatchthreads>MIN_DISPTHREADS_DEFAULT</mindispatchthreads>
0042         <maxdispatchthreads>MAX_DISPTHREADS_DEFAULT</maxdispatchthreads>
0043         <autokill>AUTOKILL_DEFAULT</autokill>
0044         <respawn>RESPAWN_DEFAULT</respawn>
0045         <env>ENV_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT</env>
0046         <start_max>MAX_STARTUP_TIME_DEFAULT</start_max>
0047         <pingtime>PING_EVERY_TIME_DEFAULT</pingtime>
0048         <ping_max>MAX_PING_TIME_DEFAULT</ping_max>
0049         <end_max>MAX_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TIME_DEFAULT</end_max>
0050         <killtime>KILL_TIME_DEFAULT</killtime>
0051         <killseq>KILLSEQ_DEFAULT</killseq>
0052         <exportsvcs>EXPORT_SERVICES_DEFAULT</exportsvcs>
0053         <blacklistsvcs>BLACKLIST_SERVICES_DEFAULT</blacklistsvcs>
0054         <srvstartwait>NDRXD_SRV_START_WAIT_DEFAULT</srvstartwait>
0055         <srvstopwait>NDRXD_SRV_STOP_WAITT_DEFAULT</srvstopwait>
0056         <cctag>COMMON_CONFIG_TAG_DEFAULT</cctag>
0057         <protected>PROTECTED_SERVER_DEFAULT</protected>
0058         <reloadonchange>RELOAD_ON_CHANGE_DEFAULT</reloadonchange>
0059         <rssmax>RSSMAX_DEFAULT</rssmax>
0060         <vszmax>VSZMAX_DEFAULT</vszmax>
0061         <rqaddr>RQADDR_DEFAULT</rqaddr>
0062         <envs group="SVGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME">
0063             <env name="SVGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME">SVGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE</env>
0064             <env name="SVGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_1" unset="SVGRP_ENV_UNSET" />
0065             ...
0066             <env name="SVGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_N">SVGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE_N</env>
0067         </envs>
0068         ...
0069         <envs group="SVGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME_N">
0070             ...
0071         </envs>
0072         <procgrp>SRV_PROCGRP_DEFAULT</procgrp>
0073         <procgrp_lp>SRV_PROCGRP_LP_DEFAULT</procgrp_lp>
0074     </defaults>
0075     <servers>
0076         <server name="SERVER_BINARY_NAME">
0077             <min>MIN_SERVERS_SRV</min>
0078             <max>MAX_SERVERS_SRV</max>
0079             <mindispatchthreads>MIN_DISPTHREADS_SERVER</mindispatchthreads>
0080             <maxdispatchthreads>MAX_DISPTHREADS_SERVER</maxdispatchthreads>
0081             <autokill>AUTOKILL_SRV</autokill>
0082             <respawn>RESPAWN_SRV</respawn>
0083             <env>ENV_OVERRIDE_SRV</env>
0084             <start_max>MAX_STARTUP_TIME_SRV</start_max>
0085             <pingtime>PING_EVERY_TIME_SRV</pingtime>
0086             <ping_max>MAX_PING_TIME_SRV</ping_max>
0087             <end_max>MAX_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TIME_SRV</end_max>
0088             <killtime>KILL_TIME_SRV</killtime>
0089             <killseq>KILLSEQ</killseq>
0090             <sleep_after>SECONDS_TO_SLEEP_AFTER_SRV_START</sleep_after>
0091             <srvid>SERVER_ID</srvid>
0092             <sysopt>ATMI_SERVER_SYSTEM_OPTIONS</sysopt>
0093             <appopt>ATMI_SERVER_APPLICATION_OPTIONS</appopt>
0094             <exportsvcs>ATMI_SERVER_EXPORT_SERVICES</exportsvcs>
0095             <blacklistsvcs>ATMI_BLACKLIST_SERVICES</blacklistsvcs>
0096             <srvstartwait>NDRXD_SRV_START_WAIT</srvstartwait>
0097             <srvstopwait>NDRXD_SRV_STOP_WAIT</srvstopwait>
0098             <cctag>COMMON_CONFIG_TAG</cctag>
0099             <protected>PROTECTED_SERVER</protected>
0100             <reloadonchange>RELOAD_ON_CHANGE_SERVER</reloadonchange>
0101             <fullpath>ATMI_SERVER_FULL_PATH</fullpath>
0102             <cmdline>ATMI_SERVER_COMMAND_LINE</cmdline>
0103             <rssmax>ATMI_SERVER_RSSMAX</rssmax>
0104             <vszmax>ATMI_SERVER_VSZMAX</vszmax>
0105             <rqaddr>RQADDR</rqaddr>
0106             <envs>
0107                 <usegroup>SVGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME</usegroup>
0108                 ...
0109                 <usegroup>SVGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME_N</usegroup>
0110                 <env name="SVPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME">SVPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE</env>
0111                 <env name="SVPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_UNSET" unset="SVPROC_ENV_UNSET" />
0112                 ...
0113                 <env name="SVPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_N">SVPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE_N</env>
0114             </envs>
0115             <procgrp>SRV_PROCGRP</procgrp>
0116             <procgrp_lp>SRV_PROCGRP_LP</procgrp_lp>
0117         </server>
0118         ...
0119         <server name="SERVER_BINARY_NAME_N">
0120             ...
0121         </server>
0122     </servers>
0123     <clients>
0124         <envs group="CLTGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME">
0126             <env name="CLTGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_UNSET" unset="CLTGRP_ENV_UNSET" />
0127             ...
0129         </envs>
0130         ...
0131         <envs group="CLTGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME_N">
0132             ...
0133         </envs>
0134         <client cmdline="CLT_COMMAND_LINE [${NDRX_CLTTAG} ${NDRX_CLTSUBSECT}]" 
0135             log="CLT_LOG" 
0136             stdout="CLT_STDOUT"
0137             stderr="CLT_STDERR"
0138             env="CLTGRP_ENV"
0139             cctag="CLT_CCTAG"
0140             wd="CLT_WD"
0141             klevel="CLT_KLEVEL"
0142             autostart="CLT_AUTOSTART"
0143             rssmax="CLT_RSSMAX"
0144             vszmax="CLT_VSZMAX"
0145             subsectfrom="CLT_SUBSECTFROM"
0146             subsectto="CLT_SUBSECTTO"
0147             procgrp="CLT_PROCGRP"
0148             >
0149             <envs>
0150                 <usegroup>CLTGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME</usegroup>
0151                 ...
0152                 <usegroup>CLTGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME_N</usegroup>
0153                 <env name="CLTPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME">CLTPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE</env>
0154                 <env name="CLTPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_UNSET" unset="CLTPROC_ENV_UNSET" />
0155                 ...
0156                 <env name="CLPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME_N">CLTPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE_N</env>
0157             </envs>
0158             <exec tag="CLT_TAG_EXEC" 
0159                 subsect="CLT_SUBSECT_EXEC" 
0160                 log="CLT_LOG_EXEC" 
0161                 stdout="CLT_STDOUT_EXEC" 
0162                 stderr="CLT_STDERR_EXEC" 
0163                 env="CLTGRP_ENV_EXEC" 
0164                 cctag="CLT_CCTAG_EXEC" 
0165                 wd="CLT_WD_EXEC" 
0166                 autostart="CLT_AUTOSTART_EXEC"
0167                 klevel="CLT_KLEVEL_EXEC"
0168                 rssmax="CLT_RSSMAX_EXEC"
0169                 vszmax="CLT_VSZMAX_EXEC"
0170                 subsectfrom="CLT_SUBSECTFROM_EXEC"
0171                 subsectto="CLT_SUBSECTTO_EXEC"
0172                 procgrp="CLT_PROCGRP_EXEC"
0173                 />
0174             <exec tag="CLT_TAG_EXEC2" 
0175                 subsect="CLT_SUBSECT2_EXEC2" 
0176                 .../>
0177         </client>
0178         <client cmdline="BINARY2" ...>
0179             <exec tag="CLT_EXE_TAG2" .../>
0180         </client>
0181     </clients>
0182     <services>
0183         <defaults prio="SVC_PRIO_DEF" 
0184                  routing="SVC_ROUTE_NAME_DEF" 
0185                  autotran="SVC_AUTOTRAN_DEF"
0186                  trantime="SVC_TRANTIME_DEF"/>
0187         ...
0188         <service svcnm="SVC_SERVICE_NAME" 
0189                  prio="SVC_PRIO" 
0190                  routing="SVC_ROUTE_NAME" 
0191                  autotran="SVC_AUTOTRAN"
0192                  trantime="SVC_TRANTIME"/>
0193         ...
0194     </services>
0195     <routing>
0196         <route routing="ROUTE_NAME">
0197             <field>ROUTE_FIELD</field>
0198             <ranges>ROUTE_RANGES</ranges>
0199             <buftype>ROUTE_BUFFER</buftype>
0200             <fieldtype>ROUTE_FIELDTYPE</fieldtype>           
0201         </route>
0202         ...
0203     </routing>
0204 </endurox>
0205 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0209 -----------
0211 'ndrxconfig.xml' holds the application domain configuration. It describes the ATMI
0212 servers that need to be started. Counts of the, how much to start. Also, it
0213 describes sanity times i.e. period after which system sanity checks should be made.
0214 Also, it describes time frames in which ATMI server should start or stop.
0215 Internal server ping can be configured here too.
0219 ----------
0222     Number of seconds in which perform system periodic sanity checks. Next cycle time
0223     is measured from the finish of the last sanity checks, meaning that in absolute
0224     terms, depending on the system performance, the next sanity check would be
0225     performed after a slightly longer period than specified
0226     in 'SANITY_SECONDS'. The minimum value for the setting is *1*.
0227 'CHECKPM_STY'::
0228     The number of the sanity cycles into which to perform check for dead server processes.
0229     This check is a backup mechanism for catching dead servers, as the primary
0230     mechanism is based on waitpid() system call in the separate thread within *ndrxd(8)*.
0231     Check performs proactive verification of the PID existence in the system.
0232     This check is useful if ndrxd is restarted in learning mode.
0233     In this mode ndrxd is not parent anymore of child servers, thus it cannot collect
0234     dead server PIDs with waitpid() call. However, this setting would allows to discover
0235     such PIDs and perform any necessary actions.
0237     The number of sanity units in which *tpbridge(8)* refresh should be sent to other node.
0238     If for example 'SANITY_SECONDS' is set to 10, and 'BRIDGE_REFRESH_TIME' is set to 2
0239     then the period between bridge refreshes will be 10*2 = 20 seconds.
0240     The default value is *0* - do not send full updates.
0242     Number of sanity units in which died server will be tried to start back. This is
0243     minimal time, which means that this time is applied in case if server is running 
0244     (*tpsvrinit(3)* was success) and dies.
0245     If it is a consecutive try, then 'RESTART_STEP' is applied on this timer.   
0247     Number to sanity units to apply on 'MIN_RESTART_TIME' in case of consecutive server death.
0248     Meaning that next try of restart will tried later that previous by this
0249     number of sanity units.
0251     Max number of sanity units after which server will tried to restart.
0252     After each consecutive ATMI server death, next reboot is tried
0253     by 'MIN_RESTART_TIME'+'RESTART_STEP'*try_count. If this goes over the
0254     'MAX_RESTART_TIME' then 'MAX_RESTART_TIME' is used instead.
0256     Number of *seconds* for 'ndrxd' to wait after daemon started in recovery
0257     mode. Within this time no sanity checks are perfomed, but instead "learning" mode
0258     is used. During this mode, 'ndrxd' asks each ATMI server for it's configuration.
0259     If in this time ATMI server does not responds, then ATMI server is subject
0260     of sanity checks.
0262     Settings for *pq* *xadmin* command. if set to 'Y', ndrxd will automatically collect
0263     stats for service queues. In future this might be used for automatic service starting
0264     and stopping.
0265 'RQADDRTTL'::
0266     Used only when operating System V queues mode. Due to common queue for
0267     multiple services / basically all service queues are shared request addresses,
0268     the only zapping approach when there are no servers on queues, is to check
0269     that in service shared memory there are no linked request address queues,
0270     and at time perform unlink of the request address queue. But here we have a
0271     problem. The XATMI server might just started up, opened the RQADDR queue,
0272     but did not yet managed to install record in service shared memory. Thus
0273     'ndrxd' will unlink the RQADDR. To avoid this issue, with TTL slight delay
0274     is introduced, after which queue is unlinked. Basically when queue is open
0275     it's change time is updated. And if current time minus change time is
0276     less than 'RQADDRTTL', then queue is not unlinked (in this time server will
0277     be able to add record to service shared memory). Also with this comes a fact
0278     that there must be no server processes without any service. For those
0279     request address queue will be unlinked.
0280     The value is in seconds. Checks are performed with 'SANITY_SECONDS' intervals.
0281     Default value is *10* seconds.
0282 'DDRRELOAD'::
0283     This setting identifies the number of sanity cycles used to wait for updating
0284     DDR routing tables on the fly with "xadmin reload" command. 
0285     Default value is *60*. This deferred approach is used for
0286     purpose, that it protects any processes which are in previous version of 
0287     DDR routing tables and has not yet completed. Routing details are
0288     stored in double buffered routing pages for lock-less operations. If using
0289     smaller number of cycles, then it would increase the probability of corrupted routing,
0290     if administrator is doing config reload twice in a row with routing config changed. 
0291     Thus these cycles give opportunity for any processes to complete routing. 
0292     Overall chance that process will get corrupted pages with this approach
0293     is very low. As reload must be performed twice, and process shall be stalled
0294     for some reason in routing table, which by it self is very fast operation 
0295     if *ndrxd* logging is turned off, as routing basically is CPU-RAM operation. 
0296     Even if any such process was unable to complete the route, 
0297     the error is detected and service call might return *TPESYSTEM* and
0298     corresponding ULOG message is written.
0300     Default minimum number of copies of the server which needs to be started automatically.
0301     This can be overridden by 'MIN_SERVERS_SRV' per server.
0303     Max number of ATMI server copies per ATMI server entry. The difference between
0304     MIN and MAX servers means the number of standby servers configured. They can be started
0305     by hand without system re-configuration. But they are not booted automatically at
0306     system startup. You will have to start them with $ xadmin start -s <server_name>
0307     or by $ xadmin start -i <server_id>. This can be overridden by 'MAX_SERVERS_SRV'.
0309     This configures the maximum number of dispatch threads (workers) for XATMI
0310     servers dispatcher. Default value is *1*. If set grater than *1*, then
0311     XATMI server library booted in multi-thread mode and thread pool of workers
0312     is intialized. The number of workers threads is configured by 
0313     'MIN_DISPTHREADS_DEFAULT' / 'MIN_DISPTHREADS_SERVER' configuration values.
0314     If XATMI server is not built for multi-thread mode (flag *-t* was not
0315     passed to *buildserver(8)* or *_tmbuilt_with_thread_option* extern variable
0316     before XATMI server main routine start was not set to *1*), the binary startup
0317     will fall-back to single-thread mode and warning is printed in ULOG.
0319     This is actual number of dispatch threads (workers) used by XATMI server
0320     service dispatcher. By default this is *1*. In case if *<maxdispatchthreads>*
0321     was set to *1* (default), then multi-thread is not used and the main
0322     thread is performing dispatch operations. The value of 'MIN_DISPTHREADS_DEFAULT'
0323     may be overridden by 'MIN_DISPTHREADS_SERVER' value. The 'MIN_DISPTHREADS_DEFAULT'/
0324     'MIN_DISPTHREADS_SERVER' must be less or equal to 'MAX_DISPTHREADS_DEFAULT'/
0327     Should server be automatically killed (by sequence signal sequence 
0328     -2, -15, -9) in case if server have been starting up too long, or
0329     does not respond to pings too long, or it is performing shutdown
0330     too long. This can be overridden by 'AUTOKILL_SRV' on per server
0331     basis.
0333     Full path to file containing environment variable overrides.
0334     see 'ex_envover(5)' for more details. This can be overridden
0335     by per server basis by 'ENV_OVERRIDE_SRV'. 
0336     Both are optional settings.
0338     Max time (in sanity units) in which server should start up, i.e. send init info to
0339     *ndrxd*. If during this time server have not initialized, it is being restarted. This
0340     can be overridden by 'MAX_STARTUP_TIME_SRV'.
0342     Number of sanity units in which perform periodical server pings. This can be
0343     overridden by 'PING_EVERY_TIME_SRV'. Zero value disables ping.
0345     Number of sanity units, time in which server *must* respond to ping requests.
0346     If there is no response from server within this time, then restart sequence is
0347     initiated. This can be overridden by 'MAX_PING_TIME_SRV'.
0349     Maximum time in which shutdown of server must complete in sanity units.
0350     If in given time server is not shutdown, then forced shutdown sequence
0351     is started until server exits. This can be overridden by 'MAX_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TIME_SRV'
0352     on per server basis.
0354     Comma separated list of services to be applied to all binaries which means the list of
0355     services to be exported by *tpbridge* server to other cluster node. This can be overridden by 
0358     Comma separated list of services to be applied to all server binaries which means the list of
0359     services that must not be exported by *tpbridge* server to other cluster node.
0360     'ATMI_SERVER_BLACKLIST_SERVICES' is first priority over the 'EXPORT_SERVICES_DEFAULT' if
0361     service appears in both lists. 'BLACKLIST_SERVICES_DEFAULT' can be overridden by 
0364     Number of seconds to wait for servers to boot. If not started in given time,
0365     then continue with next server. This can be overridden by 'NDRXD_SRV_START_WAIT'.
0366     Default value for this is 30 seconds.
0368     Number of seconds to wait for server to shutdown. If not started in given time,
0369     then continue with next server. This can be overridden by 'NDRXD_SRV_STOP_WAIT'.
0370     Default value for this is 30 seconds.
0372     Time in sanity units after which to progress from first signal -2 to next signal
0373     -15. And after -15 this time means when next -9 signal will be sent. This is used
0374     if forced restart of forced shutdown was initiated by 'ndrxd'. This
0375     can be overridden by 'KILL_TIME_SRV'.
0377     This is Enduro/X standard configuration string (e.g. comma separated values) 
0378     which describes signal sequence used by ndrxd when process needs to be 
0379     forcefully terminated. The default signal sequence is *2,15,9*. Only
0380     3 signals can be defined. Absolute value is used for signal determination,
0381     i.e. the minus sign is optional. Only numeric values signal values are supported.
0383     Common configuration tag. Loaded into *NDRX_CCTAG* environment variable before
0384     process is spawned. This can be overridden by *COMMON_CONFIG_TAG*.
0386     Protected server does not shutdown with *xadmin stop -k*
0387     (keep ndrxd running) command.
0388     If doing the standard *xadmin stop* parameter then server is shutdown as all others. 
0389     It is possible stop stop it by *xadmin stop -i <srvid>* or by 
0390     *xadmin stop -s <servernm>*. The *xadmin restart* does not accept *-k* parameter
0391     thus protected server will be stopped too.
0392     The idea behind this, is to avoid accidental stop of the critical servers, like bridge or
0393     something else which is involved into *ndrxd* daemon management it self.
0394     This can be overridden by 'PROTECTED_SERVER'.
0396     If set to *Y* or *y* the *ndrxd* daemon will scan the every binaries time stamp,
0397     and if it detects that time stamp is changed *ndrxd* will reload (stop/start)
0398     the XATMI servers one by one. The scanning will occur at every sanity
0399     cycle. This is recommended to be used *only* for development purposes.
0400     This can be overridden by 'RELOAD_ON_CHANGE_SERVER' on per server basis.
0401     Reload happens on those XATMI servers instances which were marked for start.
0403     Maximum Resident Set Size memory size after which *ndrxd(8)* process will issue
0404     server reload (sr) command (i.e. gracefully 
0405     shutdown and start back) to server process if
0406     particular server process resident memory goes over this defined value. 
0407     The value can be overridden by 'ATMI_SERVER_RSSMAX' for the particular server 
0408     instance.
0409     This parameter is useful to be used to protect local machine against 
0410     defective/binaries with memory leaks. The parameter value is 
0411     expressed in bytes. Configuration file also accepts
0412     suffixes such as "T" or "t" for terrabytes, "G" or "g" for gigabytes, "M" or
0413     "m" for megabytes and "K" or "k" for kilobytes. For example "10M" would
0414     limit resident memory to 10 megabytes. The default value is *-1*, which 
0415     means that functionality is not used.
0417     Maximum Virtual Set Size memory size (the number bytes program have asked to 
0418     OS kernel for memory, but it does *not* mean it is physically used or initialized) 
0419     after which *ndrxd(8)* process will issue
0420     server reload (sr) command (i.e. gracefully shutdown and start back) to
0421     the server process if a particular server's process virtual memory goes 
0422     over this defined value. The value can be overridden by 
0423     'ATMI_SERVER_VSZMAX' for particular server instance.
0424     This parameter is useful to be used to protect local machine
0425     defective/binaries with memory leaks. The parameter value is 
0426     expressed in bytes. The configuration file also accepts
0427     suffixes such as "T" or "t" for terabytes, "G" or "g" for gigabytes, "M" or
0428     "m" for megabytes and "K" or "k" for kilobytes. For example "10M" would
0429     limit resident memory to 10 megabytes. The default value is *-1*, which 
0430     means that functionality is not used.
0432     Request address (common service queue) used in System V mode. For other
0433     modes each service have it's own queue, but due to limitations of the System V
0434     queues, for each XATMI server process have it's own queue (built as process
0435     /exe name and service id) or processes can share the queue by having this
0436     request address, thus getting a one queue multiple servers mechanism for
0437     message dispatching. Also all servers attached on the same request address
0438     must advertise all the services from all servers attached on the same
0439     request address. If some server will miss a service, it might receive request
0440     for particular service, the error will be logged and message will be dropped,
0441     thus caller will get a timeout. If different request addresses are serving
0442     the same service, then request will be load balanced in round-robin mode.
0443     This can be overridden by 'RQADDR' on per server basis. Request address
0444     cannot start with '@' symbol. The max length of the request address is *30*
0445     chars.
0447     Number of seconds to wait for next item to start after the server is launched.
0448     This is useful in cases when for example we start bridge server, let it for some
0449     seconds to connect to other node, then continue with other service startup.
0451     ATMI server executable's name. The executable must be in $PATH.
0452     This name cannot contain special symbols like path separator '/'
0453     and it cannot contains commas ','! Commas are used as internal
0454     queue separator combined with binary names.
0456     Do the automatic process re-spawning if process is died for some reason. The default
0457     value is *Y*, meaning that processes are automatically recovered. If set to 'N' or 'n',
0458     then sanity checks will not automatically re-boot the process.
0459     This can be overridden by 'RESPAWN_SRV'.
0460 'SERVER_ID'::
0461     Server ID. It is internal ID for server instance. For each separate ATMI server
0462     the ID must be unique. Also special care should be take when MAX_SERVERS_SRV is greater
0463     than 1. In this case up till MAX servers, internally 'SERVER_ID' is incremented.
0464     Thus for example if SERVER_ID is 200, and MAX_SERVERS_SRV is 5, then
0465     following server IDs will be reserved: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204. The maximum server
0466     id is set in $NDRX_SRVMAX environment variable. Minimal server id is 1.
0468     Command line system options passed to ATMI server. Following parameters are
0469     used by Enduro/X ATMI servers: *-N*, boolean type. If present, then no services
0470     will be advertised by server. In this case only services specified
0471     by *-s* (service alias) or *-S* (function alias) flags will be advertised. 
0472     For example if server advertises *SERVICE1, SERVICE2, SERVICE3*, but *-N*
0473     is specified, and *-sSERVICE3* is specified, then only service *SERVICE3* will be 
0474     advertised. The *-s* argument also can contain aliases to other services, for example
0475     *-sOTHERSVC:SERVICE2*, new service *OTHERSVC* will be advertised which
0476     basically is the same *SERVICE2* (same function used). *-s*, *-S* and *-N*, *-B* can be mixed.
0477     In case if services which are built-in by *buildserver(8)* shall not be advertised,
0478     flag *-B* shall be used, but all other services provided in clopt or advertised by
0479     *tpadvertise(3)* will be available. Difference between  *-N* and *-B* is that
0480     *-N* supresses advertise of all services except ones provided in clopt, but 
0481     *-B* supresses only built-in services provided by *buildserver(8)*.
0482     Flag *-s* can appear multiple times in system options. With one *-s* multiple services
0483     can be aliased to single existing service.
0484     The format is: *-s*'<NEWSVC1>/<NEWSVC2>/../<NEWSVCN>:<EXISTINGSVC>'. The *,* can be
0485     used as separator too, but for certain platforms it does not work, thus */* is
0486     recommended. Services can be masked out from final advertise by
0487     by *-n* flag. For example *-nSERVICE4* will not be advertised (no matter was it
0488     advertise or alias). *-n* can be repeated multiple times.
0489     When Enduro/X XATMI server is built with integration lib (libatmisrvinteg) 
0490     user can alias the functions to service names with 
0491     *-S*'<service_name1>/<service_name2>[:<function name>]' flag. Functions are
0492     passed to *buildserver(8)* at build time or registered in *tmdsptchtbl_t* array
0493     passed to *_tmstartserver(3)*. If '<function name>' is not specified, then service
0494     name is matched against function name. Firstly *-S* flags are processed,
0495     afterwards *-s*' flags are processed, meaning that it works as 
0496     usual including to function aliased services by *-S* services. 
0497     Server binaries output is controlled via *-e* 'LOG_FILE', which means
0498     that *stdout* & *stderr* of server is dumped to 'LOG_FILE'. If *ndrxdebug.conf(5)*
0499     (or env config) did not specify the logfile for the process, then
0500     *-e* value is selected as output logfile and this make *stdout* and *stderr* to
0501     be managed by Enduro/X logger (i.e. lcf logrotate will reopen handles). *-o*
0502     specifies *stdout* output file. In case if *-e* is managed by Enduro/X logger and
0503     having *-o* different file name, standard output handle will not be managed by Enduro/X logger.
0504     There are few internal parameters: parameter *-k* is just a random key
0505     for shell scripts. Another internal parameter is Server ID which is automatically passed
0506     to binary via *-i* 'SERVER_ID'.
0507     Enduro/X supports automatic buffer conversion for ATMI servers. 
0508     Currently supported modes are *JSON2UBF*, *UBF2JSON*, these modes are activated 
0509     by *-x* parameter in system options. These modes are passed for server functions 
0510     being advertised. For example if we have service functions (not services) 
0511     *UBF1FUNC*, *UBF2FUNC* and *JSONFUNC* and we want to ensure that these receive
0512     converted messages even if caller to UBF service sends JSON and vice versa, then 
0513     following options might be set to command line:
0515     flag *-g*'<RTGRP>' it is possible to define or override the env variable 
0516     *NDRX_RTGRP* - routing group code. Use *-G* flag to configure that particular server
0517     shall include '@<RTGRP>' routing group suffix in service name received by
0518     service function (i.e. structure *TPSVCINFO* field *name* shall contain full
0519     service name with the group code, if call was routed to group), 
0520     by default group name is not included even if service is routed to the group.
0522     Application-specific command line options. This follows content after sys options as:
0523     'system options -- app options'.
0525     Enduro/X server-specific list of services to be exported. This list is only for 
0526     *tpbridge* servers.
0528     Enduro/X server-specific list of services that must not be exported. This list is only for 
0529     *tpbridge* servers. Blacklist has higher priority over the Export list.
0531     This is full path of the XATMI server binary. At the process startup this overrides
0532     the server binary name at 'SERVER_BINARY_NAME'. 'ATMI_SERVER_FULL_PATH' is used only
0533     for process startup. This is intended for testing, if server wrapper scripts
0534     needs to be started. But as the *ndrxd* will do the sanity checks against the process
0535     names, for time of the testing this needs to be disabled. Thus to do the testings with
0536     full path enabled, please increase the 'checkpm' sanity unit time. As at the moment
0537     of process model checks, the ndrxd will find out that wrapped binary name does not
0538     contain the 'SERVER_BINARY_NAME', thus will reboot the process.
0540     This is an alternative command line built by the user. From this command line the
0541     real process name is extracted as first executable (basename). When  building
0542     custom command line, the env substitution is available at the stage with
0543     following processes-based envs (not counting the globals): *NDRX_SVSRVID* -
0544     Enduro/X server id, *NDRX_SVPROCNAME* - server process name (defined in XML
0545     config as 'SERVER_BINARY_NAME' value, *NDRX_SVCLOPT* - standard command
0546     line options used by Enduro/X. These options are used at stage with ATMI
0547     server library gets initialized, it will use in case *ndrx_main()* receives
0548     less than expected standard argument count. This command line tag
0549     is suitable for interpreted languages, like Java, where the interpreter needs to
0550     be started as a stand-alone binary, and the Enduro/X is initialized as a library
0551     within a stand-alone process.
0552 'SRV_PROCGRP'::
0553     Process group name. If used, group must be previously defined at '<procgroups>'.
0554     This can be overridden by 'SRV_PROCGRP_DEFAULT' on per server basis.
0556     Process group name for which this server functions as a lock provider. Lock provider
0557     process distinguishes on which Enduro/X cluster node singleton group will be booted.
0558     'SRV_PROCGRP_LP' is only required for singleton groups. Parameter is not required
0559     for normal XATMI servers. This can be overridden by 'SRV_PROCGRP_LP_DEFAULT' on per server basis.
0561     Environment variable group name for the servers section. Identifier max length
0562     is 30 chars. Same group can be used for different server processes. One server
0563     may import multiple groups. For client processes groups are defined 
0564     'CLTGRP_ENV_GROUP_NAME' name at '<clients>' section. At process level groups
0565     can be imported by using tag '<usegroup>' and specifying the group name. At
0566     that moment all variables defined in group are import for process. 
0568     This server server's group environment variable name, that shall be set for
0569     process which uses this group. For client processes 'CLTGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME'
0570     set the variable name at group definition. Individual environment variables
0571     can be set at process level. For server processes that is set by
0572     'SVPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME' and for client processes by 'CLTPROC_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME'.
0574     This is environment variable value to be set. For client process groups this
0575     is defined by 'CLTGRP_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE'. For individual processes value is
0577     accordingly. The value is interpreted by variable substitution algorithm (see 
0578     bellow). The value is interpreted at time when process is spawned (not defined),
0579     meaning that it have access to full process variables at startup moment.
0581     If set to 'y' or 'Y' then environment's environment variable is unset (removed)
0582     from environment. This can be used if some specific variable for process is
0583     not needed. At client environment group level this can be set by *CLTGRP_ENV_UNSET*,
0584     at process levels this can be set by *SVPROC_ENV_UNSET* and *CLTPROC_ENV_UNSET*
0585     accordingly. If any value is present for this variable, it is ignored, as the
0586     main action of this tag is unset the value and only what matters here is the
0587     variable name.
0589     Executable name and arguments for client program. Command line basically is a format
0590     string for which you can use '${NDRX_CLTTAG}' for tag substitution and '${NDRX_CLTSUBSECT}'
0591     for subsection substitution. Other env variables available here too.
0592 'CLT_LOG'::
0593     Logfile to which stdout and stderr is logged. Can be overridden by 'CLT_LOG_EXEC'
0594     for each process. Optional attribute.
0595 'CLT_STDOUT'::
0596     File where to log stdout. Can be overridden by 'CLT_STDOUT_EXEC'
0597     for each process. Optional attribute.
0598 'CLT_STDERR'::
0599     File where to log stderr. Can be overridden by 'CLT_STDERR_EXEC'
0600     for each process. Optional attribute.
0601 'CLTGRP_ENV'::
0602     Environment override file. See *ex_envover(5)* for syntax. Can be overridden 
0603     by 'CLTGRP_ENV_EXEC' for each process. Optional attribute.
0604 'CLT_CCTAG'::
0605     ATMI Client lib Common-Config tag. Can be overridden by 'CLT_CCTAG_EXEC'
0606     for each process. Optional attribute.
0607 'CLT_WD'::
0608     Working directory for the process. Can be overridden by 'CLT_WD_EXEC'.
0610     Should process be started automatically? 'Y' or 'y' means boot at start.
0611     Can be overridden by 'CLT_AUTOSTART_EXEC' for each process. 
0612     Optional attribute. Default 'n'.
0613 'CLT_TAG_EXEC'::
0614     Tagname to be set for process.
0616     Subsection to be set for process. '-' used as default.
0617 'CLT_RSSMAX'::
0618     Maximum Resident Set Size memory size after which *cpmsrv(8)* process will 
0619     gracefully kill the client process by signals -2, -15, -9 if
0620     particular client process resident memory goes over this defined value. 
0621     After killing, the cpmsrv at first check interval will detect that client
0622     is dead, and at next check interval it will be respawned.
0623     The value can be overridden by 'CLT_RSSMAX_EXEC'.
0624     This parameter is useful to be used to protect local machine against 
0625     defective/binaries with memory leaks. The parameter value is 
0626     expressed in bytes. The configuration file also accepts
0627     suffixes such as "T" or "t" for terrabytes, "G" or "g" for gigabytes, "M" or
0628     "m" for megabytes and "K" or "k" for kilobytes. For example "10M" would
0629     limit resident memory to 10 megabytes. The default value is *-1*, which 
0630     means that functionality is not used.
0631 'CLT_VSZMAX'::
0632     Maximum Virtual Set Size memory size (the number bytes program have asked to 
0633     OS kernel for memory, but does it does *not* mean it is physically used or initialized) 
0634     after which *cpmsrv(8)* process will 
0635     gracefully kill the client process by signals -2, -15, -9 if
0636     a particular client process virtual memory goes over this defined value.
0637     After killing, the cpmsrv at first check interval will detect that client
0638     is dead, and at next check interval it will be respawned.
0639     The value can be override by 'CLT_RSSMAX_EXEC'.
0640     This parameter is useful to be used to protect local machine against 
0641     defective/binaries with memory leaks. The parameter value is 
0642     expressed in bytes. Configuration file also accepts
0643     suffixes such as "T" or "t" for terrabytes, "G" or "g" for gigabytes, "M" or
0644     "m" for megabytes and "K" or "k" for kilobytes. For example "10M" would
0645     limit resident memory to 10 megabytes. The default value is *-1*, which 
0646     means that functionality is not used.
0648     If set, then used to auto-generate number subsections for particular client
0649     definition. In this case 'CLT_SUBSECT_EXEC' parameter value is ignored.
0650     The loop must start with non negative number and must not be greater than
0651     integer (2147483647) and less or equal to 'CLT_SUBSECTTO'. 
0652     Default is *undefined* and not used. Can be overridden
0653     by 'CLT_SUBSECTFROM_EXEC'. Must be used together with 'CLT_SUBSECTTO'.
0655     If set, then used to auto-generate number subsections for particular client
0656     definition. In this case *CLT_SUBSECT_EXEC* parameter value is ignored.
0657     The loop must end with non negative number and must not be greater than
0658     integer (2147483647). Default is *undefined* and not used. Can be overriden
0659     by 'CLT_SUBSECTFROM_EXEC'. Must be used together with 'CLT_SUBSECTFROM'.
0660 'CLT_KLEVEL'::
0661     Kill level of the client. *0* - do not kill child processes recursively 
0662     of the client, *1* - do kill child processes only when performing 
0663     SIGKILL (-9), *2* - do kill on SIGTERM and SIGINT child processes.
0664     The default is *0*.
0667     Service name for which settings are being defined. Max service length is
0668     *30* symbols.
0670 'CLT_PROCGRP'::
0671     Process group name. If used, group must be previously defined at '<procgroups>'.
0672     This can be overridden by 'CLT_PROCGRP_EXEC'.
0674 'SVC_PRIO'::
0675     Service call default priority. If value is not set, then it it is loaded
0676     from default value 'SVC_PRIO_DEF'. If default is not set, then value *50*
0677     is used in the Enduro/X system. Priority is valid to be set in range of
0678     *1*..*100*. This is used for Linux and FreeBSD OS. Note that values 1..100
0679     may be downscaled prior doing mq_send() Posix function call, if operating
0680     system has lesser number of priorities available. Consult with your operating
0681     system documentation, particularly constant *MQ_PRIO_MAX*.
0684     Routing criterion name. Which must reference valid routing definition under the
0685     *<routing>/<route>*, value 'ROUTE_NAME'. If value is not specified, value is taken from 
0686     'SVC_ROUTING_NAME_DEF'. This parameter is optional. If not set, then no
0687     routing is performed for service and messages are sent to default service.
0688     Max routing name length is *15* symbols.
0691     Automatic transaction mode for service. If parameter is set to *y* or *Y*,
0692     then if XATMI service is invoked without global transaction, the XATMI
0693     server will start the transaction automatically. When server process performs
0694     *tpreturn(3)*, transaction is committed in case if server returns *TPSUCCESS*
0695     otherwise transaction is aborted. If process performs *tpforward(3)*, then
0696     receiving server becomes the transaction owner. If parameter is not specified value is
0697     taken from the previously defined 'SVC_AUTOTRAN_DEF' value. If it was not set,
0698     then default is *N* (no auto global transactions used by server).
0699     Note that this setting is extracted by XATMI server processes at the startup
0700     time. If configuration is change, say from *N* to *Y*, particular XATMI server
0701     processes needs to be restarted in order to enable automatic transactions
0702     for particular XATMI servers.
0705     Automatic transaction lifetime. This parameter is used by XATMI servers starting
0706     when automatic transactions are started. If the value is not specified, then
0707     the value is taken from the previously defined 'SVC_TRANTIME_DEF'. If this value also
0708     is not defined, then the default value is *30*.
0710 'ROUTE_NAME'::
0711     This is route name using for data-dependent-routing (DDR). Route name max
0712     length is *15* symbols.
0714 'ROUTE_FIELD'::
0715     This is route field name. Currently, Enduro/X only supports UBF buffer routing,
0716     thus this field must contain valid/resolvable UBF field definition. Field
0717     types accepted four routing are *BFLD_SHORT*, *BFLD_CHAR*, *BFLD_LONG*, *BFLD_FLOAT*,
0721     Route ranges definition. Defines the ranges by which destination service
0722     group is selected. See the section "DATA DEPENDENT ROUTING" below for syntax details.
0725     Buffer type accepted for routing. Currently supported buffer type is *UBF*.
0726     When service call is performed and routing exists for service, lookup is
0727     performed by using key: 'ROUTE_NAME' and 'ROUTE_BUFFER'. Thus for one
0728     service several routes might be defined. When service call is made, and
0729     no matching route (if was defined any route) and/or no matching range is found,
0730     error *TPESYSTEM* is returned for *tpcall(3)*, *tpacall(3)* and related
0731     service routines.
0734     This specified how field shall be used in routing. Supported values are
0735     *SHORT*, *CHAR*, *LONG*, *FLOAT*, *DOUBLE*, *STRING*. Where the *SHORT*
0736     are internally mapped to *LONG* range, *FLOAT* is mapped to *DOUBLE*,
0737     *CHAR* is mapped to *STRING*. For UBF routes, this field is optional,
0738     and if it is not specified, then field type is extracted from UBF field.
0739     Additionally any *BFLD_CARRAY* is mapped to *STRING*. 
0742     Process group name. Identifier may contain following characters: "a-zA-Z0-9_".
0743     Max length 30 chars. If a process group name
0744     is not defined for the '<procgroup>' tag, then the default name
0745     is taken from 'PROCGROUP_NAME_DEF' value. Name is mandatory for the
0746     process group being defined in the configuration file. Name must be
0747     unique for the process group.
0750     Process group number. This is used for the process group identification.
0751     Value must be unique for the process group. If the value is not specified,
0752     then the value is taken from 'PROCGROUP_GRPNO_DEF' value. The value must
0753     be in range of 1.. <value of env NDRX_SGREFRESH, which default is 64>.
0756     Do not use the standard process startup order for starting the process group.
0757     If flag is set to 'y' or "Y", when at failover group is activated, no
0758     order of the booting is used, all processes in the group are started concurrently 
0759     without any specific order. Value 'n' or 'N' disables this flag. Default is 'n'.
0760     Flag is effective only for singleton groups (i.e. 'PROCGROUP_SINGLETON' set to 'y'/'Y').
0761     If value is not specified, then the value is taken from 'PROCGROUP_NOORDER_DEF' value.
0764     Defines given process group as singleton group. Meaning, that if the parameter
0765     is set to 'y' or 'Y', then only one set of processes (defined in the '<procgrp>')
0766     ar started with thin the Enduro/X cluster. For every singleton group there must
0767     be one XATMI server defined which is lock provider. Lock provider for the group
0768     is tagged by setting group name in '<progrp_lp>' tag for server. Enduro/X ships
0769     with the lock provider process *exsinglesv(8)*. The default value for 'PROCGROUP_SINGLETON'
0770     is 'n' (or 'N'), meaning that the process group is not singleton, and will be booted
0771     normally on the local node.
0772     If value is not specified, then the value is taken from 'PROCGROUP_SINGLETON_DEF' value.
0775     Defines list of Enduro/X Node IDs which are part of the singleton group (i.e. nodes
0776     which provides failover). List is encoded in Enduro/X standard configuration string format
0777     (e.g. comma separated values). Current Enduro/X Node ID is added automatically to
0778     this list. Nodes are used for lock checks, to perform extra verification
0779     on other node statuses. It is recommended to correctly fill this list of
0780     participant nodes, so that lock providers promptly can detect any animalities within the
0781     Enduro/X cluster.
0782     If value is not specified, then the value is taken from 'PROCGROUP_SINGLETON_NODES_DEF' value.
0785     If set to 'y'/'Y', enables checks for cluster consistency at critical
0786     points of the distributed transaction processing. Might impact performance
0787     for the distributed transactions. When enabled, full lock status is checked against
0788     *@SGLOC* and *@SGREM* XATMI services
0789     (provided by *exsingleckl(8)* and *exsingleckr(8)* respectivly), if available
0790     over the *tpbridge(8)*. If network is not available,
0791     checks are done against ping lock file, to detect that current node still holds
0792     the valid lock (and no other nodes in cluster indicate that they hold the lock).
0793     Setting applies to transaction managers configured in the given singleton process
0794     group. Default setting is 'N' (or 'n'), which means that only local checks (against
0795     shared memory lock status provided by *exsinglesv(8)* is performed).
0796     For underlaying infrastructure shared file system clusters which does not
0797     use STONITH device for fcntl() lock release/failover, this is
0798     mandatory to be set to 'Y' with correctly filled 'sg_nodes' attribute.
0799     Otherwise transaction consistency might be affected.
0800     If value is not specified, then the value is taken from
0804 ---------------------
0805 Several parameters in the ndrxconfig.xml file are processed via substitution 
0806 engine. Engine processes puts the environment variables or special functions
0807 in the place-holders. Placeholder is defined as ${'ENV_VARIABLE'} for environment
0808 variables and ${'FUNC'=['PARAMETER']} for functions. The value can be escaped with 
0809 \${'some_value'}.
0811 Functions are processed in case if statement in brackets contains equal sign '='.
0812 As the sign is not allowed for environment variables, Enduro/X uses it to 
0813 distinguish between env variable and function.
0815 Following *FUNC* (functions) are defined:
0817 *dec*
0818     Decrypt base64 string in *PARAMETER* and replace the placeholder with the
0819     value. To get encrypted value, it is possible to use *exencrypt(8)* tool.
0822 ----------------------
0823 Enduro/X supports data dependent routing. There are three components which are
0824 required for routing:
0826 1. Server process shall be put in the group. This can be be assigning group
0827 code to the *NDRX_RTGRP* environment variable for particular server process.
0828 This variable might be set in CCTAG group for server process. Or it might
0829 be assigned for particular process by *<envs>*. Here not that any server process
0830 which advertises services, will additionally advertise each service with
0831 suffix "@<NDRX_RTGRP>". Thus *NDRX_RTGRP* shall use short values like 2-3 symbols
0832 long, as total service name length is limited to *30*, and if routing group
0833 name is longer, server processes would not be able to advertise. Also note that
0834 if this environment is present for server process, then any advertise mechanism,
0835 either alias or compiled service name by *buildserver(8)* or *tpadvertise(3)* call
0836 will make two services to appear in the system - one is default without the
0837 suffix and other is with route group suffix. Only exception when working with
0838 route groups is that *xadmin unadv* and *xadmin readsv* would operate with single
0839 service name.
0841 2. Routing criterion i.e. 'SVC_ROUTE_NAME' must be defined for service in
0842 *<service />* tag.
0844 3. Routing criterion must be defined in *<route/>* tag.
0846 When all above is defined, the routing will be activated, when client (or servers
0847 code) would issue:
0849 - *tpacall(3)*
0851 - *tpcall(3)*
0853 - *tpconnect(3)*
0855 - *tpforward(3)*
0857 Also affects any other Enduro/X APIs which internally uses tpcall/tpacall. Such
0858 as *tpenqueue(3)*, *tpdequeue(3)*, *tpbegin(3)*, etc. but it is not recommended
0859 to configure routing for Enduro/X system servers or services (or at least with
0860 out advice from Mavimax).
0862 Routing criterions by it self operate with three data types: *LONG*, *DOUBLE*
0863 and *STRING*.
0865 Syntax for 'ROUTE_RANGES' is following: <min_value_1>-<max_value_1>:<group_code_1>,...,
0866 <min_value_N>-<max_value_N>:<group_code_N>. Additional syntax is supported, such as:
0868 - Keyword MIN - this represent any absolute minimum value, thus if value is bellow <max_value>,
0869 then value is in the range.
0871 - Keyword MAX - this represent any absolute maximum value, thus if value is above the
0872 <min_value> then value is in the range.
0874 - Single value is supported.
0876 - Keyword * (asterisk) - this presents the any value and represents whole range. This
0877 keyword can also be used as group, which means - use default group (i.e. it is any
0878 service, service name without "@<GRP>" suffix).
0880 - Values and group names can be put in single string quotes ('). If such single quote
0881 is needed within the string, it can be escaped with backslash \. Double backslash \\
0882 is translated to single backslash.
0884 - Ranges supports max_value as negative, in such case syntax as "-100 - -45:GRPN" is supported.
0886 Ranges value are validated and processed as indicated by field typ.  
0887 *LONG* is limited to:
0889 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0891 ^[+-]?([0-9])+$
0893 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0895 *DOUBLE* type value shall be expressed as:
0897 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0899 ^[-+]?(([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([ed][-+]?[0-9]+)?))$
0901 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0903 For *DOUBLE* decimal separator is *.*. Also to check that equality is 
0904 checked with precision of 0.000001.
0906 *STRING* values may contain any printable character including newline.
0908 When processes is perform routing, first matched range is used to extract the group code.
0909 If range is not found or buffer type does not match with service for which routing
0910 is defined *TPESYSTEM* error is returned to caller. Range matching is performed
0911 form left to right order. Range include the range min/max values. When range is
0912 defined for *STRING* type, values are compared by *strcmp()* function.
0915 *Examples of valid routing configuration:*
0917 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0919 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0920 <endurox>
0921 ...
0923     <services>
0924             <defaults routing="RT1"/>
0925             <service svcnm="DEBITSVC" />
0926             <service svcnm="CREDIT" routing="RT2" />
0927             <defaults routing="RT3" />
0928             <service svcnm="TXHANDLER" />
0929     </services>
0930     <routing>
0932         <route routing="RT1">
0933             <field>T_LONG_FLD</field>
0934             <ranges>MIN-4:GRP1,100-200:GRP4,300:GRP6,1000-22100:GRP5,*:*</ranges>
0935             <buftype>UBF</buftype>
0936         </route>
0938         <route routing="RT2">
0939             <field>T_STRING_FLD</field>
0940             <ranges>
0941                     MIN-'AAA':GRP1
0942                     ,'AAB' - AAC:'GRP4'
0943                     ,'HELLO\'' - HELLO5:*
0944                     ,'Z' - MAX:GRP6
0945             </ranges>
0946             <buftype>UBF</buftype>
0947         </route>
0949         <!-- cast value from string to double -->
0950         <route routing="RT3">
0951             <field>T_STRING_FLD</field>
0952             <ranges>
0953                     MIN - -1.1:GRP1
0954                     ,-1 - 44:'GRP4'
0955                     ,'44.1' - 123.15:*
0956                     ,*:*
0957             </ranges>
0958             <buftype>UBF</buftype>
0959             <fieldtype>DOUBLE</fieldtype>
0960         </route>
0961     <routing>
0962 ...
0963 </endurox>
0966 Note that *DDR* settings can be changed on they fly with *xadmin reload*, but
0967 changes are deferred to certain amount of time. See 'DDRRELOAD'.
0969 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0972 ----------------------------
0973 Process command line arguments normally may contain spaces or tables in their values.
0974 As Enduro/X processes need to prepare arguments for exec, at the prepare phase clear
0975 distinguishing must be made between multiple arguments and argument values.
0976 Thus Enduro/X employs a parser to split CLI strings into arguments. Blocks with
0977 spaces or tabs inside must be quoted. The logic is similar to the way how shall perform
0978 quote processing.
0980 The following rules apply:
0982 . Blocks can be quoted either with a single quote or a double quote.
0983 . Quote symbols are stripped from the start and the end of the value.
0984 . To have a quote symbol in block value, use backslash.
0985 . To have a backslash in any part of CLI string, use double backslash.
0986 . If a block is started with single quotes, and the value contains backlash and double quotes
0987     then backlash and double quotes are put in value. This works in vice versa if starting
0988     value with double quotes and escaping single quotes.
0989 . If a quoted string contains non-tab or space-separated values before or after
0990 the quotes, then values are joined to block value. Leading and trailing quotes
0991 are stripped.
0992 . Alone escape values between tab or space separators are eliminated from value.
0993 . Unterminated quotes produce a single value till the end of the string.
0995 Samples:
0996 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0997 Example 1:
0998 CLI Value: someproc 'HELLO\' WORLD' X"some value \'"X
1000 Process would receive arguments:
1001 1. someproc
1002 2. HELLO' WORLD
1003 3. Xsome value \'X
1005 Example 1:
1006 CLI Value: someproc HELLO \ 'SOMETHING
1008 Process would receive arguments:
1009 1. someproc
1010 2. HELLO
1011 3.
1013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1020 -----------
1021 ndrxconfig.xml supports entity substitution, thus effectively, portions of XMLs
1022 may be included from other files.
1024 For example having *ndrxconfig.xml*:
1026 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1027 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
1028 <!DOCTYPE doc [
1029 <!ENTITY defaults SYSTEM "ndrxconfig.xml.defaults">
1030 ]>
1031 <endurox>
1032     <appconfig>
1033         <sanity>10</sanity>
1034         <brrefresh>6</brrefresh>
1035         <restart_min>1</restart_min>
1036         <restart_step>1</restart_step>
1037         <restart_max>5</restart_max>
1038         <restart_to_check>20</restart_to_check>
1039     </appconfig>
1041     &defaults;
1043     <servers>
1044     </servers>
1045 </endurox>
1046 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1048 and 
1050 *ndrxconfig.xml.defaults*:
1052 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1053     <defaults>
1054         <min>1</min>
1055         <max>2</max>
1056     </defaults>
1057 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1059 would make final config for *ndrxd(8)* and *cpmsrv(8)* look like:
1061 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1062 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
1063 <endurox>
1064     <appconfig>
1065         <sanity>10</sanity>
1066         <brrefresh>6</brrefresh>
1067         <restart_min>1</restart_min>
1068         <restart_step>1</restart_step>
1069         <restart_max>5</restart_max>
1070         <restart_to_check>20</restart_to_check>
1071     </appconfig>
1073     <defaults>
1074         <min>1</min>
1075         <max>2</max>
1076     </defaults>
1078     <servers>
1079     </servers>
1080 </endurox>
1081 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1085 -------
1087 Sample configuration:
1088 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1089 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
1090 <endurox>
1091     <appconfig>
1092         <sanity>10</sanity>
1093         <brrefresh>6</brrefresh>
1094         <restart_min>1</restart_min>
1095         <restart_step>1</restart_step>
1096         <restart_max>5</restart_max>
1097         <restart_to_check>20</restart_to_check>
1098     </appconfig>
1099     <defaults>
1100         <min>1</min>
1101         <max>2</max>
1102         <autokill>1</autokill>
1103         <start_max>2</start_max>
1104         <pingtime>1</pingtime>
1105         <ping_max>4</ping_max>
1106         <end_max>3</end_max>
1107         <killtime>1</killtime>
1108         <envs group="JAVAENV">
1109             <env name="_JAVA_OPTIONS">-Xmx1g</env>
1110         </envs>
1111     </defaults>
1112     <servers>
1113         <server name="tpevsrv">
1114             <srvid>14</srvid>
1115             <min>1</min>
1116             <max>1</max>
1117             <cctag>RM1</cctag>
1118             <env>${NDRX_HOME}/tpevsrv_env</env>
1119             <sysopt>-e /tmp/TPEVSRV -r</sysopt>
1120         </server>
1121         <server name="tpbridge">
1122             <max>1</max>
1123             <srvid>100</srvid>
1124             <sysopt>-e /tmp/BRIDGE -r</sysopt>
1125             <appopt>-n2 -r -i -p 4433 -tA</appopt>
1126         </server>
1127         <server name="jserver2">
1128             <max>1</max>
1129             <srvid>200</srvid>
1130             <sysopt>-e /tmp/BRIDGE -r</sysopt>
1131             <envs>
1132                 <usegroup>JAVAENV</usegroup>
1133                 <env name="NDRX_RTGRP">GRP4</env>
1134                 <env name="CLASSPATH">${CLASSPATH}:${NDRX_APPHOME}/libs/${NDRX_SVPROCNAME}.jar</env>
1135                 <env name="CLASSPATH">${NDRX_APPHOME}/libs/somelib.jar</env>
1136             </envs>
1137             <cmdline>java</cmdline>
1138         </server>
1139         <server name="cpmsrv">
1140             <cctag>RM2</cctag>
1141             <srvid>9999</srvid>
1142             <sysopt>-e /tmp/cpmsrv.log -r -- -k3 -i1</sysopt>
1143         </server>
1144     </servers>
1145     <clients>
1146         <client cmdline="testbinary -t ${NDRX_CLTTAG} -s ${NDRX_CLTSUBSECT}" autostart="Y" cctag="RM4">
1147             <exec tag="TAG1" subsect="SUBSECTION1" log="${APP_LOG}/testbin1-1.log" cctag="RM5"/>
1148             <exec tag="TAG2" subsect="SUBSECTION2" log="${APP_LOG}/testbin1-2.log"/>
1149         </client>
1150         <client cmdline="" env="environment.override1" log="env1.log">
1151             <exec tag="TESTENV" autostart="Y"/>
1152         </client>
1153     </clients>
1154     <services>
1155             <defaults trantime="600" />
1156             <service svcnm="SERVICE1" prio="50" routing="RT1"     autotran="Y"  />
1157             <defaults autotran="Y" />
1158             <service svcnm="SERVICE2" prio="50" routing="RT2"     trantime="600" />
1159     </services>
1160     <routing>
1161         <route routing="RT1">
1162             <field>T_LONG_FLD</field>
1163             <ranges>MIN-4:GRP1,100-300:GRP4,1000-22100:GRP5,*:*</ranges>
1164             <buftype>UBF</buftype>
1165         </route>
1167         <route routing="RT2">
1168             <field>T_STRING_FLD</field>
1169             <ranges>MIN-AAA:GRP1,'AAB'-'AAD':'GRP4',*:*</ranges>
1170             <buftype>UBF</buftype>
1171         </route>
1173     </routing>
1174 </endurox>
1175 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1177 BUGS
1178 ----
1179 Report bugs to
1182 --------
1183 *xadmin(8)*, *ndrxd(8)*, *ndrxconfig.xml(5)*, *ndrxdebug.conf(5)*, *ex_envover(5)*,
1184 *exencrypt(8)* *exsinglesv(8)*
1187 -------
1188 (C) Mavimax, Ltd